The Title is "T.G.I.F." (Thank God It's Flash)
Composed by myself and 3 other producers i worked with at the time. All Songs are written by yours truly!
Tflasha - T.G.I.F. "Thank God It's Flash"
T.G.I.F. "Thank God It's Flash" by TFlasha
To All Creatives (Producers, Artists, Writers etc) that I listed below from the Tunnel. All Feedback would be most welcomed!
@SymbolicOne09 @How Sway? @CuzinQ @letti cook @BlackWillieNelson @Supa @nonexist @REAL6
@Phantom Dreamer @DrHackenbush @JBone4eva @Mugen @Double Burger With Cheese @DOSDUMUNI
@Big Mood @Jimmy ValenTime @BigF @producingfire @RhapSaDiddy @Interloper @DJ Mart-Kos @greenvale @RAW_SPK @head shots101 @mortuus est @and 77 others @bigdaddy88 @Chip Skylark @ShaDynasty @PlutoEighth @Wes Phili @NYtymes @clanarchy
Composed by myself and 3 other producers i worked with at the time. All Songs are written by yours truly!
Tflasha - T.G.I.F. "Thank God It's Flash"
T.G.I.F. "Thank God It's Flash" by TFlasha
To All Creatives (Producers, Artists, Writers etc) that I listed below from the Tunnel. All Feedback would be most welcomed!
@SymbolicOne09 @How Sway? @CuzinQ @letti cook @BlackWillieNelson @Supa @nonexist @REAL6
@Phantom Dreamer @DrHackenbush @JBone4eva @Mugen @Double Burger With Cheese @DOSDUMUNI
@Big Mood @Jimmy ValenTime @BigF @producingfire @RhapSaDiddy @Interloper @DJ Mart-Kos @greenvale @RAW_SPK @head shots101 @mortuus est @and 77 others @bigdaddy88 @Chip Skylark @ShaDynasty @PlutoEighth @Wes Phili @NYtymes @clanarchy
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