Former WWE star Kelly Kelly is dealing with a personal tragedy, revealing on Monday that she suffered a miscarriage recently. The former Divas Champion posted to her Instagram Stories (per Wrestling Inc) that she and husband Joe Coba lost their baby.
Kelly noted that she was rushed to the hospital when something “didn’t feel right” with her. They got the confirmation that she had suffered a miscarriage.
Kelly wrote:
“I know my last stories were cryptic so I wanted to just write out what was going on ..Since I look at social media as a platform to show your real life. It doesn’t always have to be modeling shots and ads but I’ve always been someone who wants for people to get to know me and not just what they see on social media. That’s something that has been important to me thru my life is to be transparent with you all and if my story can help anyone going thru the same thing that was exactly what I wanted to do.
“Me and Joe were in our first trimester. When we got the news we were pregnant it was the happiest moment of our lives, we’ve been wanting this for so long to be parents. It seemed like all of our prayers had been answered. It was our time now for our baby and as days went by we started talking about names telling our immediate family and friends we were pregnant! But knowing in the back of our minds anything could happen but honestly we were so excited that we were trying so hard not to think that way. Yesterday I just knew something didn’t feel right my body was not right. I felt every presence of the baby was gone . Joe rushed me to the hospital and that’s when I just knew we had lost the baby and the hours seemed like days while we waited it became more and more real. We were devastated.
“We got home and with the blood leaving my body our baby was gone. The grief I went thru was unbearable. I couldn’t stop asking myself “Why me,” “What’s wrong with me.” I felt helpless and defeated, and couldn’t help but think will this ever happen for me? I just don’t understand… But one [thing] I do know is that this is our journey. And I know there are so many women out there going thru the same journey.
“So the reason I’m writing this is not for sympathy but to share the pain I went thru and to help anyone else who has had a miscarriage and you feel alone, I promise you are not alone. Your time will come I promise. You just got to keep your head up and keep on moving and try again, don’t let this defeat you. To all the women out there going thru this, this is for you. I’m praying for each and every one of you. We will get thru this together. I love you.”