a politician asked an actual radical street soldier what he does other than point out problems...LOL
when asked about why he talks about what is wrong, dhoruba actually made a similar point to
a thread you just made yesterday about how the white working class is their own worst enemy. he states that whites who dont reckon with reality will not be useful.
he also counters ellison's "power" argument by stating how the CBC, ANC or any other now mainstream black political organization are preoccupied with re-election and earning a living - a feature of power, not a bug as all systems seek to protect and perpetuate themselves through various means, including negative incentives and intimidation.
he then ended the whole lesson by reminding ellison that all the positive movements in american politics came not from good people within government but from people working outside of it. ellison had nothing at that point...and i like the guy. he is a solid dude but this exchange was the opposite of him ethering anybody.
carr is cool, but ball is growing a platform that exposes more people to radical and alternative thought. for that, he will always have my respect.