At Tokyo Game Show, Dead Rising producer Keiji Inafune revealed more about his upcoming game Yaiba. For starters, he revealed the full title: Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z.
Yaiba's main characters is not Ryu Hayabusa, the series lead from Ninja Gaiden. Instead, it's a brand new character, a zombie-slaying cyborg ninja. This character, the titular Yaiba, is actually hunting Ryu. The trailer says that Ryu killed Yaiba - seems like a pretty good reason for revenge.
"As you may know Im a great zombie fan. When I left my previous company, my dream was to make a zombie game," said Inafune (via Siliconera). "Im very happy to be making this game with Team Ninja. Just as much as I love zombies, I like samurai and ninjas. My dream was to always make a ninja game so this collaboration that Im announcing today is almost a dream come true."
Inafune's company Comcept will be collaborating with Team Ninja on the project. Lost Planet 3 developer Spark Unlimited is contributing as well. Inafune said that they enlisted an Spark, an United States-based developer, for the game so it would be "very Japanese yet very Western."
Ninja Gaiden Z is being developed for current generation consoles, according to this Eurogamer interview.
Yaiba Ninja Gaiden Z Trailer (TGS) - YouTube