Katt Williams has another crackhead moment in Denver


May 14, 2012
Katt Williams fans furious after bizarre Denver show - The Denver Post

Katt Williams fans are angry and confused after a bizarre, rowdy Thursday night show at the 5,000-seat Wells Fargo Theatre.

The concert — one of two the controversial comedian was slated to perform in Denver — came to a halt after Williams jumped off stage to confront a heckler less than a half hour into his set.

"He just snapped," said 39-year-old Denver resident Margaret Smith. "Everybody started calling him 'Crack Williams' because he was running around the stage like he was high on meth or crack or something."

Williams had taken the stage at the half-full venue shortly before 11 p.m., doing push-ups, taking his shirt off, mumbling and dousing himself in water. He invited a heckler on stage and, after listening to him, spit water on him.

Williams then met the growing wave of heckling in the audience by jumping off stage and attempting to track down one of the other hecklers in a profanity-laden tirade, resulting in the shoving match between the heckler and Williams' bodyguards.

According to attendees and amateur video of the event, Denver Police joined the bodyguards to prevent the shoving match from turning into a brawl. Williams returned to the stage and announced that everyone would get a refund.

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