Kane is running for Mayor of Knox County, Tennessee (Edit: He's the new Mayor)


Apr 16, 2013
Glenn "Kane" Jacobs announces run in county mayoral race

Glenn Jacobs announced he would be running for Knox County Mayor at an event on April 11.

On April 11 at 2 p.m., Jacobs made an announcement about his run in the Knox County mayor's race at Sweet P's BBQ & Soul House at 3725 Maryville Pike.

"I'd like to see our community come together," Jacobs told Local 8 News in an interview following his announcement Tuesday. "I think some of the functions that we allow in government for now, we should be doing as a community. I think actually relying on government actually drives a wedge into our communities. And of course, I think that transparency is vitally important, and that's something that I would really work to maintain and make sure that everyone out there knows what's going on within the Knox County government."

Jacobs said the first thing he would like to change about the existing Knox County government would be to implement a mayor's round table, which he described as "meetings with various community leaders from all around Knoxville to discuss the issues within their respective communities, and bringing together the people that know what the needs are with the people that have the ability to help, and all of us working together to make our community stronger."

When asked what inspired Jacobs to run for Knox County mayor, he cited his love for the area. Jacobs said he has lived in the area for over 20 years, and he said he wants to have a "positive impact on my local community."

In March, Jacobs filed paperwork to appoint a political treasurer for a potential campaign.

"Hopefully we run a good campaign," Jacobs said. "I want to get out there, and I'm looking forward to meeting so many of the great people of Knox County."

"It's a vision," Jacobs said. "And my vision is that Knox County is a place that all of us can be proud to call home. It already is, let's keep it that, let's also make our futures as bright as we possibly can."

When asked about potential opponents on his run, Jacobs said he wasn't necessarily considering them.

"I want to be the best candidate, and then the best mayor that I can be," Jacobs said. "I'm not really concerned about other folks, I just want to be the best that I can be and do the best job that I can possibly do."

In a previous interview, Jacobs told Local 8 News, "My career with WWE doesn't tie me down to any particular area of the country," Jacobs told Local 8 News in a statement. "My family and I don't have to live here. We choose to live here because East Tennessee is such a wonderful area. As County Mayor, my goals would be to keep taxes low; work with both the school system and private sector to provide our young people with the skills necessary to compete for high paying jobs while, at the same time, supplying Knox County with a world-class workforce; and to make sure that Knox County remains as business friendly as possible--a place where existing businesses can grow and thrive, as well as a place that will attract investment and new businesses."

He also said, ""I want to empower people. The solution is that the government isn't the solution. The people are the solution, and I think all of us working together can achieve really great things."

The election is May 1 in 2018.

Kane officially announces mayoral run

To quote the popular meme focused on one of Glenn “Kane” Jacobs’ political heroes... IT’S HAPPENING!

Former WWE champion and future Hall of Famer Kane is running for mayor of Knox County, Tennessee - the third most populous county in the state and home to Knoxville, which in turn houses the main campus of the University of Tennessee. His insurance company is based in the Knoxville suburb of Halls Crossroads.

Jacobs is an outspoken libertarian, but like his mentors Ron and Rand Paul, will run as a Republican. In the speech formally declaring his candidacy (which you can see at this link), he explained why he and his family call East Tennessee home, and why he wants to serve Knox County as its mayor:

This is a great place to work, live and raise a family. I want to do my part to make sure it remains a great place and that our future is as bright as ever.

He reiterates many of those same themes in the first offical video for his campaign, embedded above.

Right now, the only other candidate who has filed paperwork to run is County Commissioner Bob Thomas, but County Sheriff Jimmy "J.J." Jones is in the process of declaring, so it looks like the election will be a Triple Threat (sorry, couldn’t resist).

Kane has been away from WWE for a time, and that will likely continue for the course of the election, but he hasn’t ruled out more work in wrestling - whether he wins or loses in November.
Last edited:
May 6, 2012
The Last of the Outlaws
Ehh, Trump became the president, so a wrestler becoming a mayor isn't far fetched :manny:

We voted Jesse Ventura as governor in Minnesota. Kane can definitely be mayor

I would run a "did you know/is this person someone you feel safe voting for?" campaign if I was running against him. Edit the footage in black and white

show him being lead to the arena in shackles, burning Jim Ross, throwing Ryder off the ramp, the dr Shelby stuff etc