Meanwhile the Undertaker about to interview him.
I hope this pale bodied, orange faced idiot gets blown out like Golden State used to do cats in 2016-2019. Him losing aint enough anymore. He has to lose bigly.
Marginal is the worst case scenario of a win. We need to be talking about a 55% vs 45% margin where some white supremacist is yelling “game over” like creh from Starship Troopers.Lol. If he loses it's going to be foolishness.
Big loss = no way this could have happened, they cheated/rigged the polls!
Marginal loss = They cheated with the polls in (x) state
The body building community is full of maga people![]()
Anyone really surprised? All these c00ns in the so called fitness industry follow the same predictable playbook. roid themselves up, get themselves a masculine bodied white bytch, get majority white “friends”, and start c00ning it up to keep their new found white bytch and white “friends“, ie., saying racism doesn’t exist anymore, voting for Trump and other racist ass republicans, and going full MAGA retard, ie., unreasonable, angry, and psychopathic…fukk this alligator skinned buffoon. Hope his heart blows out upon his next injection…