Tommy Knocks
Just waking up from a nap. I had a dream I could time travel. It was actually pretty cool, didn't go into any ancient times or anything, kept it relatively recent like 2002, 2035, then I jumped to 2150. But you know what was funny? I was terrified to jump to 3000? a thousand years from now. me and kreyshawn (yea I dont know wtf either), were debating what would happen, what if the earth wasnt even here, or what if it were poisonous to us, or all molten lava? we'd die as soon as we got there. It was like the fear of the unknown. the curiosity was killing me, I must have been debating for 3 days. I remember being in a laundry mat holding the time travel device and entering a date....pausing.. major suspense, just holding it thinking long and hard..and then I woke up. crazy.
Now with that being said. How do you think the earth will look like in 3000AD? Were my fears justified? What if there were disease that I weren't immune too. what about radiation? or maybe it would have looked like an 'avatar the movie' style planet? or maybe we wouldn't have been all that much advanced, just certain technological leaps. I know it was just a dream, but damn I kind of wish I'd have gone to test my imagination.
I guess that's why I made this thread, to see what yall think.
Now with that being said. How do you think the earth will look like in 3000AD? Were my fears justified? What if there were disease that I weren't immune too. what about radiation? or maybe it would have looked like an 'avatar the movie' style planet? or maybe we wouldn't have been all that much advanced, just certain technological leaps. I know it was just a dream, but damn I kind of wish I'd have gone to test my imagination.
I guess that's why I made this thread, to see what yall think.