im a HUGE fan of the first 2 mass effect even had the books that go along with it as a prologue to the 1st game, second game, the one before the 3rd..
is their nothing satisfying about ME3? I know everyone talks about the end-game decisions..but before the only thing that u do is unify the galaxy to fight the repears? or do we at least stop cerberus, go somewhere with garrus storyline or anybody elses for that matter
people make mass effect 3 sound like the worst game ever but at the same their praising it saying its better than the other ones in everything..
does the endgame decisions just fukk things up that bad for everyone??
I'm gonna keep it 100.
"ME3" is crack until the last 5 minutes. Sure there is a few little problems, like the quest log is hard as fukk to navigate....matter of fact quests in general are annoying as hell because sometimes all you do is walk by an NPC and it'll update your quest log and you won't even notice or talk to anyone.
Anyway, there's a few minor problems like that. The two
major problems are:
1. None of your choices in the series matter much in the game. A few things are different but some there is literally zero change at all, which is

like "why the hell was I given a choice to begin with?".
2. The ending. It's arguably the worst ending to a gave I've ever seen....and one of the worst endings to, video game, movie, TV show, whatever.
It's still a great game, and there was actually an Extended Cut free DLC that kinda explained the ending better....but the ending is still horrifically bad.
If you can over look these things, definitely check it out.
EDIT: Yes there is a definitive "end" to your fight with Cerberus and there's some great character moments with Garrus, Liara, Tali, Joker and Wrex/Kaiden/Ashley if they're still alive. A lot of the characters from "ME2" you barely see, or only see for a couple side quests.