Just an open letter to umi's


All Star
Sep 30, 2015
There's a reason women mature faster than men/ naturally outlive men.

If any human being deserves life in this world it must come through you.

The carefully crafted melanin gateway to life.

The most expensive state of the art television, sound system any appliance in your home no matter how long:shaq: it's cord is its dead until you plug it into the source:takedat:

We want you to be able to f*ck us like pornstars yet be holy and chaste and yet you find a way

We want you to always dress nice and look good even though women especially AA women get paid disproportionatly less than men and yet you find a way

We need you to cook savior meals and maintain slim waist and thick ass, and you find a way

Your role has changed went from BM big momma the respected woman who keeps the entire family together to BM baby momma/ like some mistaken expressway exit we all just so happen to get off to get here:comeon:

There are no mistakes in life
We were all personally invited to this table
And the first to greet us, nurture us, protect and even sing to us was you

And to all the future Umi's who haven't had child yet or for personal, career, medical reasons decide not to have children

Is an army of a million soldiers who never let off a shot not still an army:patrice:

The qualities you posses and are equipped with can never be taken away:salute:


Too tired to think of something witty to say...
Jun 10, 2015
You better not let the men folks see you thanking us non existing women on the coli...LOL:russ:

But we appreciate you guys too! What we be without you guys!