This episode was amazing, and the debate he had with Andrew Sullivan also illustrated the issue perfectly. There is a deeply ingrained mental block (to me a symptom of negrophobia) that prevent folks from thinking rationally about the race issue in America. It seeped into the culture like CO² in the atmosphere, and now it seems almost impossible to put away.
I'll say this though: I think that some white liberals, such as one of the guests they had on the panel whose name was Lisa-something (sorry), muddy the discussion's waters, as well intentionned they might be.
They are a plethora of grounded facts and analyses that show how structural racism was built and operate to this day. I believe as of now that compared to these, argumentative constructs such as white privilege, or side-issues like media representation, or even white bias and interpersonal racism in some cases, are useless or even harmful when it comes to the discourse, in the sense that they present a weaker, more convoluted flank that distract from the core of the issue.