A Yahoo opinion writer is your proof?
I don't see it happening. People here aren't clamoring for it.
Not my proof, but I just saw it after I posted the thread.
You really think Sanchez will start all 16?
I'm not even talking from a fan pressure perspective, I just mean from a football perspective. Good D, limited, injured WR core, athletic running QB who can take a beating, Tony Sparano as OC....
if it happens, nobody except Tebow die hards will care. At that point we'll be scouting draft prospects.
that article sucks.
True enough.
I just had a feeling that if the Jets were 2-4 or 4-6 and had any Wildcat/Option package success with Tebow that he'd get thrown in there.
Week 6 at the latest
This season feels like a prison bid.