Sounds kind of absurd...these cats acted like they've given up on real faces and heels.
On Being a Heel These Days:”It is [difficult to be a heel nowadays], but, once again, I’ve worked with Roman Reigns in 2017, I don’t know, two dozen times.” Jericho recalled, “I had so much fun working with him in every single aspect and I’d say in those two dozen times there were only two or three times where he wasn’t the super over babyface. You just have to know what to do [as a heel]. You have to know how to live in that moment. Just be a piece of s–t, man! It’s really easy to do if you know how to tap into it and Roman is a tremendous worker. He’s fun to work with. So, once again, heel/babyface, all I know is that it’s the proverbial thing where if you show up at the arena, and you look at the card on the wall, and you see, ‘okay, Jericho versus Roman Reigns’, I’m like, ‘okay, I’m done. See you in two hours. Let’s just go out there and have fun.’ You don’t have to sit there. You don’t have to worry. You don’t have to go over a bunch of s–t. You just go in there and just work.”
On Comparing Reigns to Cena: “And that’s the same thing as [John] Cena when people were really booing John Cena.” Jericho said, “I always had good matches with Cena. I always had good matches with Roman Reigns, but whichever side of the coin people want to land as far as how they’re going to react, it’s still going to be great. It’s still going to be a blast. And people are still going to have an awesome time watching those matches, so like I said, I think people get to preoccupied with, ‘oh, turn him heel!’ Okay, turn him heel. Then what happens? Everybody that was booing him starts cheering him, so then he’s a babyface anyways! What difference does it make?”