THE MOVIE: Quentin Tarantino’s The Hateful Eightrevolves around Bounty hunters who seek shelter from a raging blizzard and get caught up in a plot of betrayal and deception. The film will star Bruce Dern, Samuel L. Jackson, Michael Madsen, Kurt Russell, James Remar, Amber Tamblyn, Walton Goggins and Zoe Bell.
Updates: Deadline reports that Tarantino has shelved The Hateful Eight, due to script leakage. Allegedly, the script was hosted and distributed by a website called Gawker. Deadline reports that Tarantino has filed a legal complaint against Gawker, charging the website copyright infringement and contributory copyright infringement. Apparently, Gawker is was blaming Tarantino for making his script a ‘frenzy.’
During a recent live-reading of the “leaked” The Hateful Eight script (featuring Samuel L. Jackson, Kurt Russell, Tim Roth and Bruce Dern), Tarantino announced that he may be filming The Hateful Eight next winter, and it will be based off a newly revised script with a totally new final chapter.
According to numerous sources, The Hateful Eight starts filming in November of 2014. The announced cast includes Bruce Dern, Samuel L. Jackson, Michael Madsen, Kurt Russell, James Remar, Amber Tamblyn, Walton Goggins and Zoe Bell. Although Christoph Waltz and Tim Roth performed at the film’s live-reading, they’re not officially tied to the “movie” version.
In our last update, we reported that The Hateful Eight was to start production in November of 2014. Now, Kurt Russell, one of the film’s stars, told MyFoxPhilly (via Coming Soon/Collider) otherwise: “I’ve got a Tarantino project called The Hateful Eight that looks like it may go somewhere around the beginning of the year.”
A new teaser poster confirms the The Hateful Eight’s 2015 release date, courtesy of Collider (via Empire). There’s also some talk (Indiewire, via FCS) about a theatrical release of Kill Bill: The Whole Bloody Affair – a combined, extended cut of Kill Bill Vol. 1 and 2 – which may also hit in 2015.
According to report from Collider, Quentin Tarantino’s Hateful Eight trailer will debut in theaters with Sin City 2, on August 22, 2014. But before you get excited, keep in mind that the trailer is a non-footage trailer (text and music only).
BREAKING NEWS: According to Collider, Jennifer Lawrence (The Hunger Games) is in talks to join the cast.
- See more at: http://www.cityonfire.com/quentin-t...ful-eight-this-november/#sthash.1ObIQfy6.dpuf