Jay Morrison - "Attitude.Appearence. Ownership"


May 20, 2012
I like what he's saying but, I think what he's not taking into account, is the fact that this capitalist system in America is based on racism so he may be able to get in the system but, only a few will be let in since it's about white supremacy. He is right about owning things that way we can work with each other and circulate the dollar in our own community but, since this system is based on racism, we NEED to understand the art of war. You can have all the money in the world but, if you don't understand how to defend yourself in all ways possible(physically, and mentally) your resources will get taken.

This is a good start though, just as a community we can't think our appearance is going to change things in the long run. Arabs dress anyway they want, and still make money, due to OWNING what others NEED. The white supremacist is a SMART man, and he will change things to always have you playing catch up. Once you learn the base of how things truly work in this society he can't take things away from you because he won't be able to trick you since you don't view the world through his eyes. THAT IS THE REASON WHY HE KEEPS BEATING US, WE SEE EVERYTHING THROUGH HIS EYES.
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The Big League
Jun 8, 2012
New York
I like what he's saying but, I think what he's not taking into account, is the fact that this capitalist system in America is based on racism so he may be able to get in the system but, only a few will be let in since it's about white supremacy. He is right about owning things that way we can work with each other and circulate the dollar in our own community but, since this system is based on racism, we NEED to understand the art of war. You can have all the money in the world but, if you don't understand how to defend yourself in all ways possible(physically, and mentally) your resources will get taken.

This is a good start though, just as a community we can't think our appearance is going to change things in the long run. Arabs dress anyway they want, and still make money, due to OWNING what others NEED. The white supremacist is a SMART man, and he will change things to always have you playing catch up. Once you learn the base of how things truly work in this society he can't take things away from you because he won't be able to trick you since you don't view the world through his eyes. THAT IS THE REASON WHY HE KEEPS BEATING US, WE SEE EVERYTHING THROUGH HIS EYES.
You made some great points. I love what jayz was saying on magna carta about new rules. Why follow the same rules that was put forth by the old regime. Its time we follow a different path. We have to take into account all the single mothers and dudes in jail. They fall victim to the life. You have some people who never outside of the country. I work asians and middle eastern people and they put me on to the game in 2005. They work as a unit. They carpool, live together, but more importantly they dont have a bunch of single mothers out there