Jason Momoa Reportedly Cast in Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy - IGN
Latino Review, who are having quite a day between this and their Han Solo scoop, says that the Conan and Game of Thrones actor was in London to screen-test for the part on Wednesday. Isaiah Mustafa, Dave Bautista and Brian Patrick reportedly also tested for the role, but according to LR's sources, "Momoas screen test went so good that Marvel offered him the part and his reps have now countered, so the negotiations are ongoing."
Latino Review, who are having quite a day between this and their Han Solo scoop, says that the Conan and Game of Thrones actor was in London to screen-test for the part on Wednesday. Isaiah Mustafa, Dave Bautista and Brian Patrick reportedly also tested for the role, but according to LR's sources, "Momoas screen test went so good that Marvel offered him the part and his reps have now countered, so the negotiations are ongoing."