William Bassington
that boy
Just revisited, he killed it, I completely forgot I was watching Jamie Foxx...to me up it's right up there with Heath as Joker this decade...war y'all think of his performance?
I have tp agree with OP on this one because Jamie was 100% Ray in that movie. He moved like him, acted like him, sung like him. It was incredible. You can tell he really put the extra effort in in that role. I mean he went as far as to do a song as his Ray Charles character. Denzel in Malcolm X was also great but there were still some moments when I remembered it was Denzel acting in it. Maybe because I saw that movie after seeing his others.
that was probably during the detroit red years/first half of the film.
By time he got down with the N.O.I he literally BECAME Malcolm and u forgot it was Denzel breh
that was probably during the detroit red years/first half of the film.
By time he got down with the N.O.I he literally BECAME Malcolm and u forgot it was Denzel breh
denzel washington as malcom x was the best casting imo. IMO nobody has been able to top that in that type of movie. Will smith of course was the woat
Just watched Ray after so long. Amazing.
What was wrong with Ali?