Chicken is cooked better on the bone, it also stays much more moist that way. You get more chicken in the pot when you cut the chicken into smaller pieces especially when cooking for large amounts of people, guaranteeing continuity.
When you go to get West Indian take away, the curry chicken looks like nuff! But in actuality you have 1 leg, half a thigh and a peice of the chicken ankle.
It’s also a very Caribbean thing, all our food is very rustic and hearty, not to mention delicious. Our food is not as processed,with many of us preferring to buy our meat from the butchers as opposed to the supermarket. We have no problem buying a whole chicken and jointing it ourselves, I’ve seen chickens and goats plucked or skinned before my eyes. If It was the apocalypse,stick with us because I can guarantee we would have the most lit food.
I have pulled a whole fish bone out the back of my throat whilst eating a mouthful, manoeuvring it to the front of my mouth with my tongue never breaking my stride.