Jalen Rose GQ interview


thaKEAF aint never lied
Staff member
May 1, 2012
Steel City
A Candid Chat with Jalen Rose About the Fab Five, Trash-Talking MJ, and Reconciling with Chris Webber
The NBA player opens up about Michigan glory days and strained brotherhood

By Clay Skipper12 hours ago
"It was the bling-bling era. We were two chains, two bracelets, one watch," Jalen Rose tells me. "Our clothes were oversized. We did everything big. Bigger."

He's talking about the '90s, but really, he could be talking about any time in the life of Jalen Rose. Because it's that big personality—outsized even for his long, 6'8" frame—that's always imbued Jalen with a certain magnetic swagger, an irrefutable cool. He had it when he joined Chris Webber, Juwan Howard, Jimmy King, and Ray Jackson at Michigan, five freshmen who Voltroned to become the "Fab Five", the coolest team to ever step on hardwood. (And one of the most scandalized off of it—Michigan does not recognize them and erased all their wins; Chris Webber has distanced himself from the other four.) It's what carried him through a 16-year, six-team NBA career, where he faced off against MJ's Three-Peat Bulls and Shaq and Kobe's Three-Peat Lakers. ("That was the best basketball I been a part of.") And it's what makes him one of the most loved analysts on ESPN, where he's more open and honest than most professional athletes about a life we can only dream about.

That and more is all there in his new book Got To Give The People What They Want. So we called him and asked if he could give us what we wanted. Namely, a crash course in trash-talk, insight into whether or not MJ can still ball, and the question that hovers over him constantly, a black cloud shading everything: will the Fab Five ever reconcile—that is to say, will he and Chris Webber ever be friends again?

The beginning of this interview is going to hurt a little bit, because we need to talk about the end of that Michigan/Michigan State game.
O-M-G. Okay, let’s do that. A couple of things. I bleed Maize and Blue and I joke that Jim Harbaugh is my dad, biologically. We got a little cute. We were doing a rugby style punt. That’s a hard play to get on the move. That’s [number] one.

Two: We had just called a timeout and I know for a fact, they told this young man, “If anything goes wrong, just fall on it. If you get confused, fall on it. If you get nervous, fall on it.” So that part didn’t happen.

And lastly, I joke about this all the time. This is one of the things I appreciate in my life. I’m most humble when people say, I named my son or daughter after you. Okay? Now, I know there are a lot of Denzel’s and Shaquille’s. I love both of them and they’ve accomplished way more than I could ever dream of. But all of those kids are black. Jalen is a universal name and girls also are named Jalen. So of course the person who picks up the fumble and runs it in, his name is Jalen. I’m like, okay, really?

I just imagine you sitting there texting your Michigan State fans trash talking, and then being like, Oh. shyt.
I was tweeting about it! I was all in. I was feeling myself too much to talk trash to the people I was with. That was too easy. I was talking trash to the whole world.

What would have happened if Twitter had existed when the Fab Five was in school?
The only time I’d be on ABC would be breaking news, and it wouldn’t be positive. Just no. That would not be good.

You’d have quite the following I’d imagine.
But it wouldn’t be because I’m doing what I’m doing for a living.

Back to trash-talk. You give a five-point primer in your book on trash-talking. Number five is: be prepared for the consequences. You have a specific example of when your trash-talking led to unfortunate consequences?
I’ll give a current events example. It’s one thing to date one of your ex [player’s] wives. It’s another thing to date Matt Barnes’ ex-wife. That’s exactly what I mean. Pay attention to not only what you’re saying or doing, but who you’re saying and doing it with. So growing up, playing basketball on the Northwest side of Detroit, you could talk all the trash you want. But you might say the wrong thing to the wrong person who isn’t focused on going to high school and getting a college degree—not trying to play college basketball—that’s where the term “pop the trunk” comes from. You don’t want to be bumpin’ your gums to the wrong people at the wrong place on the wrong day.

What’s the worst thing you’ve said that I can print?
It’s the comments that were said in the Fab Five documentary, that we used to call Duke players Uncle Toms. That was probably the thing that as I look back at, that was the thing that crossed the line. At 42, you wouldn’t have said those type of things, but we were dumb and young and trying to beat ‘em, and that’s why we never got lucky. That’s why we were 0-4 against them maybe.

"The stogies MJ's been smoking the last 20 years alone, he can't get out there and run up and down the court. He ain't beating nobody that's getting paid a check."

What’s the worst thing you’ve heard someone say on the court?
All kinds of crazy stuff. I don’t really wanna validate them. I’ll tell you what, the most hostile and angry trash talker ever is Gary Payton.

There’s really nothing sacred when it comes to trash talk?
Not at all. Let me tell all you want to do. You want to have more points than the other guy, and play better. That’s all you want. You don’t want: you out picking up your kids on a Wednesday, and that dude come rolling up with his dudes from the neighborhood, saying, “What you say in the third quarter?”

You've told that story about dunking on MJ when he was on the Wizards late in his career. You also said you got ejected for talking junk. What'd you say to him?
Oh, maaaan. I’m from Detroit. We didn’t wear Michael Jordan. Michael Jordan wasn’t the GOAT [Greatest of All Time] to us. I felt like I was on the Pistons when we walked off and didn’t shake their hands. That’s my team. So while I knew he was the GOAT, I didn’t accept it. So it was the same thing when I got to Indy. Those were the two cities that will still boo him to this day. And when he won, it was because of that [being the GOAT].

But now, you on the Wizards?! Oh, okay, let’s do this. So that’s what it was. I was having a good game—I think I had like 30—I did a good move, and one time I got a tech, and then I did another move, I dunked it, then I got a tech, and me and him was jawing. The difference was: I got ejected. And he’s Michael Jordan.

Sounds like he still thinks he can take some of the current guys in the NBA in 1-on-1.
Naaaaw. I love, MJ, right? Okay. The stogies he been smoking the last 20 years alone, he can’t get out there and run up and down the court. Stop.

You think could take him right now in a game of 1-on-1?
Oh, he could beat me probably. But he ain’t beating nobody that’s getting paid a check.


NBAE/Getty Images
What was it like playing with Reggie Miller? I feel like we see so much of Steph Curry in practice and behind-the-scenes because we have access to everything with Instagram and Twitter, but we never got any of that with Reggie.
Well, here’s the deal. Let me squash a couple things. The greatest set shooter ever? Larry Joe Bird. Period. The best coming off screen? Reginald Miller. And the best off the dribble? Steph Curry. There is no gray for me.

Where’s that leave Ray Allen?
Right behind Reggie. Ray-Ray, right in the mix. He’s next. He’s right there. If I played with him 6 years, I’d probably swap him with Reggie. But I didn’t. If he was my older brother, I’d probably swap him. But he ain’t. Ray’s right there, but I gotta give my guy Reggie the nod.


thaKEAF aint never lied
Staff member
May 1, 2012
Steel City
Going back a little ways, when you found out your father was NBA player Jimmy Walker, did you know who he was at that point?
I hadn’t seen him play, but I started to become a student of the game. Remember in [the] '70s, games were on tape delay and you maybe got a game a week, once they started. And sometimes, we had them cable issues. “What’s wrong with the cable? I think it’s the antenna.” Well, you don’t know it’s been cut off for two weeks. So seeing the game and seeing Dr. J cradle against Michael Cooper, or see Magic jump center, and all that stuff, it wasn’t a 24-hour cycle, it stuck in our minds.

And if you could go back, even before you went to Michigan, and now having hindsight and what you’d learned, what would you go back and tell an 18-year-old Jalen?
The advice I would not only give myself but to me and my teammates is: trademark the term Fab Five. Trademark those black socks. Imagine if we was getting paid off of these black socks. When there were no pairs of Nike socks in the mall that were black. None. Not one. That’s what we would do. We would try to own our brand like you see LeBron doing now. Johnny Football, trademarked.


You talk a lot about the disconnect between college athletes—many of whom come from disadvantaged backgrounds—who, essentially, create billions of dollars of capital and the schools and coaches who make all of it. Was that something you guys were conscious of when it was actually going down?
100 percent. And what adults forget is: Duh, we’re actually going to college, which means hopefully we’re getting educated. So we’re actually seeing what’s happening and taking place by the way that we’re living. What has changed wasn’t how I or we saw it. What has changed is over the past 20-25 years, the media and the fans have gotten more savvy to understanding the kind of money that’s being generated in collegiate sports, yet not being shared with the athletes.. I remember people used to feel: “Shut up, and be happy you are getting a scholarship! If I had a scholarship, I’ll be quiet forever.” Now, when you see, the coach gets money from the school? From the shoe company? He got an apparel deal? Wait a minute, he got a TV deal? A radio deal? A speaking engagement?! Like, oh, okay, this makes sense now. So everybody else [is] just catching up to it.

Is Chris Webber making another Fab Five documentary?
Here’s the thing, and I say this with all due respect: You can’t make a Fab Five documentary without the other four guys. I don’t see that even being a realistic thought.

Is that—that relationship with you and Chris—something that, down the line, you see ever being cool again?
I do. I not only think so, I hope so. And by no means, because you went to college with someone, or high school with someone, that means you have a lifetime friendship. You grow up, you grow apart, life happens. And a lot of times, it’s for the better. But the thing that made our situation different is that we weren’t just alum and teammates. We are, and were, brothers. And I do think the things that we need to get by—or he needs to get by—hopefully will happen.

It’s a collective.
But when you see us at the Final Four, there’s four of us and he’s in the booth like Obama. When you see the Fab Five doc, we’re all participating.

He was the only one who didn’t want to do it.
After agreeing to do it. Remember, I work for ESPN. You think I would’ve pitched them a project and told them I had all five people and didn’t have five? I work here. You making me look bad with my boss. What are you doing, dawg? What are you doing?

Jalen to CWebb: "It's bigger than you... Just own it, man. Let it go."

And ultimately, they vacated all of your wins from those two seasons, after the NCAA claimed a booster [an important person in Jalen's life, Ed Martin] was paying Chris Webber. Those wins are immaterial in some ways—everyone knows how good you were. But I imagine it still means something to you guys, to get those wins back.
Here’s the thing. If you have other memories that were just as good or great that you were able to accomplish, you could see them as immaterial. So fortunately, for Chris, Juwan, and myself, we had long NBA careers that became notable and we all still work directly or indirectly in the sport that we love.

Imagine if you’re [Coach] Steve Fisher, who lost his job because of it, who had to go to San Diego State, along with Brian Dutcher, and rebuild a career. Imagine if you’re Ray Jackson, somebody that’s never gotten an NBA check. He deserves to be able to go back to Ann Arbor and show his kids and his family the fruits of his labor.

So that’s my point to him [Chris Webber]. It’s bigger than you. Look back over the 20 years. There hasn’t been a better ride or die crew than what he had with us. Look back at the games. Ain’t no crazy comments about, “Oh, it was his fault that he traveled.” Or, “It was his fault that he called timeout.” Naw. We all lost. I played a horrible game. I think I played the worst game of my tournament that year. When he lied to the grand jury, and they snatched the banners down, look back at it. None of us said anything. It started to turn when he was doing the press conference in Sacramento, when he started talking crazy about Ed Martin. That’s when it started to turn. Because I introduced him to Ed Martin. So that put me in a bad spot.

And the school still hasn't reconciled with you guys.
But what they did is they played against his [Webber's] ego. And what they did was said, "You know what, if he apologizes, we’ll recognize all of y’all. But we know his ego won’t allow him to apologize, so we aren’t gonna recognize y’all until he does.” But if I’m him—think about this. Even if you don’t mean, you’re winning. You’re successful. Why wouldn’t you?

It only hangs around so long as you let it. You have one bad week and it goes away.
Duh! Oh and by the way: let’s just own everybody’s responsibility. For whatever it’s worth, you were the person that called timeout. That did happen. For whatever it’s worth, you were the person that lied to the grand jury. That was you. So there has to be some sort of personal accountability there regardless.

America’s a shockingly forgiving place.
Right. Just own it, man. Let it go.



Apr 30, 2014
" For whatever it’s worth, you were the person that called timeout. That did happen. For whatever it’s worth, you were the person that lied to the grand jury. That was you. So there has to be some sort of personal accountability there regardless."



Dreams Are Colder Than Death...
Apr 30, 2012
Jalen need to let that shyt go more than C-Webb at this point. He must feel some type of way about that TO messing up his only chance at ever winning a title. Low key, he never talk about him having the 4th lowest FG% despite playing the entire game and taking the 3rd most shots and grabbing 1 rebound


The Chairman of the Board will be... The Kingpin
Jun 14, 2014
Bronx NY
i fux with Jalen Rose but maaaaaaaaan...
this book is NOT what he advertising it to be
im almost done with this shyt and i either KNEW all of what he "revealed"
or he already revealed the shyt while doing his rounds to promote :deadmanny:

Shadow King

Quiet N***a Loud Choppa
Oct 31, 2012
Hometown of Cherokee at Law
Jalen need to let that shyt go more than C-Webb at this point. He must feel some type of way about that TO messing up his only chance at ever winning a title. Low key, he never talk about him having the 4th lowest FG% despite playing the entire game and taking the 3rd most shots and grabbing 1 rebound
He did say that was his worst game in the tournament :manny:


May 1, 2012
That nikka Jalen gonna be 75 talking about the Fab 5.... :snoop:

Chris a hoe for the way he acting too. The way he pretty much shyt on Ed Martin was real fukked up.

The next time I see Chris in my Publix, I'm gonna snuff him.


Knicks: 93 til infinity
May 3, 2012
Brussels, Belgium
Jalen need to let that shyt go more than C-Webb at this point. He must feel some type of way about that TO messing up his only chance at ever winning a title. Low key, he never talk about him having the 4th lowest FG% despite playing the entire game and taking the 3rd most shots and grabbing 1 rebound

Right there in the article he does

Look back at the games. Ain’t no crazy comments about, “Oh, it was his fault that he traveled.” Or, “It was his fault that he called timeout.” Naw. We all lost. I played a horrible game. I think I played the worst game of my tournament that year.


right around the ACC
Jun 9, 2013
The way CWebb did Ed Martin was filthy tho

That must haunt him to this day


El Poyo Loco

Akrassikauda = Black Scorpion
Jul 24, 2015
The 5 Boroughs
C Webb should've taken the loan after he declared but didn't so he threw Ed Martin under the bus and that started the chain reaction that really took Michigan a decade to recover it was like a mini Death Penalty.

If I'm Jalen I'd be salty too if a dude looked out for me had his name sullied like that and basically died right after. That press conference still is fukked up.


May 1, 2012
Jalen need to let that shyt go more than C-Webb at this point. He must feel some type of way about that TO messing up his only chance at ever winning a title. Low key, he never talk about him having the 4th lowest FG% despite playing the entire game and taking the 3rd most shots and grabbing 1 rebound
In his book he flat out says that Chris carried the team that night. That the rest of them played subpar and Webber willed them to even being close enough for that timeout to happen.

Verbal Kint

May 13, 2015
TC, Ap
Seems like Jalen feels like he's the mouthpiece for everyone else. That's real though. None of those dudes can go back to Michigan. They're part of the most famous team ever and can't even go back for a Homecoming parade and literally the only thing that needs to happen is for Webber to man up and apologize for something he was clearly wrong for. That would piss me off too. Like we all suffer because you're being a baby about this. Then you see dude on TV smiling and acting like ya'll don't exist.