The Prince of All Saiyans
Formerly Jisoo Stan & @Twitter
he might make that RDJ-esque return to the mainstream
for whatHope you're able to follow in his footsteps someday.
?Nice. It takes five years "to get your marbles back". Maybe he can be on tv again if that interests him.
He was supposed to be in 2015 rumble, but it never happened (maybe because there was so much going on with health and father's death). Although he retired, he still seems to have an interest in business he's still around wrestlers often. I was assuming he wants to be on tv other than HOF.
That was from beyond the matFunniest story I heard about this. It was an indy promoter. It was getting close to show time and Jake wasn't there. So they called him up and he said he ain't comimg unless they have crack
forget where I heard it