Jabari Osaze (From Hidden Colors 5) "DANE CALLOWAY YOU ARE A COWARD!" Debunks Aboriginal Movement


The Black King You Love To Hate
Jun 8, 2015
The Universe
Cornell University Africana Studies Scholar & Cast Member of Hidden Colors 5 "Jabari Osaze" Debunks Dane Calloway, Aboriginal Movement, and Trans Atlantic Slave Trade Deniers.



The Black King You Love To Hate
Jun 8, 2015
The Universe
Cliffs man? wtf?

  • Dane Calloway is one of the most popular aboriginal/slave trade deniers on YouTube
  • Jabari states that Dane is intentionally being deceptive
  • Jabari shows historical records validating the trans atlantic slave trade took place proving AA are descendants of slavery
May 16, 2012
Low Quality Posting
  • Dane Calloway is one of the most popular aboriginal/slave trade deniers on YouTube
  • Jabari states that Dane is intentionally being deceptive
  • Jabari shows historical records validating the trans atlantic slave trade took place proving AA are descendants of slavery

:laff: as if those can't be faked. Oh look I found some paper written by a white man proving what they been telling us about our origin since we were born. Negro Please. You nikkas love to believe what crakkkas say. As if they ain't lied about everything regarding our history. Next I'm guessing you gon tell me those DNA results the Washington Post posted a few years back proves that the Ancient Egyptians were Europeans instead of Africans....right?

There is far more evidence of an aboriginal origin to our presence on this continent than the Trans-Atlantic Slave trade. EVERY OTHER CONTINENT ON EARTH had a founding black population. We know from the fossil evidence that the oldest human remains found in South America belong to a woman (Luzia Woman) that even white scientists admit had "negroid" features rather than "indian" features. So we know for a fact that based on the fossils that the first humans on this continent were black. Then you also have all the monuments we left. For example the OLMEC HEADS clearly show that there was a black civilization on this continent before any white man ever got here. And finally, you got Christopher Columbus' own writing (as well as other Europeans "explorers") saying that he encountered "negroes" in the New World. And lets not forget that Columbus wouldn't have even known how to get to the Americas if it was not for his Moorish guide cause the Moors been sailing from Africa to America to centuries.

There is literally mountains of evidence showing that black folks were here in America before EVERYONE. I honestly don't know why this is such a hard thing for people to accept. We already know that black people are native to every other continent on earth. Why not America as well?

Now lets compare that to trying to find evidence of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade and you won't find any evidence. There ain't no slave ships anywhere. They ain't no fossil evidence showing all these ships all across the coast lines of where all these millions of Africans were brought in. And even when you just think about it logically, you realize how preposterous the whole story is. You really think they could have taken all those people against their will on those long ass journeys across the ocean? All to plant cotton? shyt simply makes no sense. It makes far more sense than we were already here and the crakkkas stole our land from us. Just like they've done everywhere else on earth.
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May 16, 2012
Anyone who believes that Muur/Aboriginal/Hebrew Israelite garbage is a total fukking idiot who is a sad waste of oxygen. Unfortunately social media is causing this pseudohistorical bullshyt to spread amongst the ignorant and gullible. Goddamn shame.

I guess I'm also an idiot if I believe the Ancient Egyptians were black folks or that black people colonized the entire planet? Cause those also go against the accepted white view of history. Since you want us to accept their views on how we got here, I'm guessing you want to believe them when they say Ancient Egyptians were non black.
May 16, 2012
So lemme get this straight, posting FACTS is now considered low quality posting? To the crakkka that gave me that Low Quality Posting tag for my last post, what you gotta say about this:

(1) An Ancient Skull Challenges Long-Held Theories

The skull is that of a young woman, nicknamed Luzia, who is believed to have roamed the savannah of south-central Brazil some 11,500 years ago. Even more startling, a reconstruction of her cranium undertaken in Britain this year indicates that her features appear to be Negroid rather than Mongoloid, suggesting that the Western Hemisphere may have initially been settled not only earlier than thought, but by a people distinct from the ancestors of today's North and South American Indians.

''We can no longer say that the first colonizers of the Americas came from the north of Asia, as previous models have proposed,'' said Dr. Walter Neves, an anthropologist at the University of Sao Paulo, who made the initial discovery along with an Argentine colleague, Hector Pucciarelli. ''This skeleton is nearly 2,000 years older than any skeleton ever found in the Americas, and it does not look like those of Amerindians or North Asians.''

So you see, even the scientists admit that the first people on this continent were black rather than Indians who came from Asia across the Bering Straight.


As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. The Olmecs were the first civilization in the Americas. They left behind these giant heads. Clearly those are the faces of black men. I don't even need to say anymore.

(3) https://www.lahc.edu/studentservices/aso/bsu/knowyourhistory/10PiecesofEvidenceThatProve.pdf

According to renowned American historian and linguist Leo Weiner of Harvard University, one of the strongest pieces of evidence to support the fact that Black people sailed to America before Christopher Columbus was a journal entry from Columbus himself. In Weiner’s book, “Africa and the Discovery of America,” he explains that Columbus noted in his journal that the Native Americans confirmed “black skinned people had come from the south-east in boats, trading in gold-tipped spears.”

Christopher Columbus wasn’t the only European explorer who made note of an African presence in the Americas upon his arrival. Historians revealed that at least a dozen other explorers, including Vasco Nunez de Balboa, also made record of seeing “Negroes” when they reached the New World. The accounts match up with the reports from the natives in Mexico. Nicholas Leon, an eminent Mexican authority, recorded the oral traditions of his people and ultimately kept track of a key piece of evidence that Black people made it to the New World far before their European counterparts. His reports revealed accounts from natives saying “the oldest inhabitants of Mexico were blacks. [T]he existence of blacks and giants is commonly believed by nearly all the races of our sail and in their various language they had words to designate them.”

So there you go. Every claim I made in my earlier post that some crakkka said was LOW QUALITY POSTING supported by evidence.

Now let me see you try that shyt again. :martin: