Consider your reality as a surfer riding waves. Your conscious thought process is the surfer riding a wave. The wave is your subconscious. The factors that have made that wave possible is your reality.
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You as a person cannot fully dictate where you go in life as a surfer, completely controlled by the will of the wave. The formation of the wave is dictated by multiple environmental factors.
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Can anyone truly be responsible for their actions?
I caught this inspiration from a dream last night. I was dreaming I was on the beach at Japan with my Japanese girlfriend and friends at night. Everything was going fine. Next thing I know, they began pointing out to sea, telling me to look out. I had NO IDEA WHAT THEY WERE POINTING AT, even though this whole reality was created inside my mind. I turned around and it was a massive shark headed in my direction to my complete surprise.
I say that to say this.
Our subconscious dictates everything our conscious does. We have zero control of our subconscious and what can result from your subconscious can even surprise you, as the shark did me in my Japanese dream.
I reiterate that our surroundings play a large role in what our subconscious becomes.
So why should we be held responsible for most, if not any, of our actions?
Imprisoning someone as punishment is not logical. Isolation for undesirable behavior is more correct but can still be considered a punishment.
So how do we solve this conundrum?
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You as a person cannot fully dictate where you go in life as a surfer, completely controlled by the will of the wave. The formation of the wave is dictated by multiple environmental factors.
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Can anyone truly be responsible for their actions?
I caught this inspiration from a dream last night. I was dreaming I was on the beach at Japan with my Japanese girlfriend and friends at night. Everything was going fine. Next thing I know, they began pointing out to sea, telling me to look out. I had NO IDEA WHAT THEY WERE POINTING AT, even though this whole reality was created inside my mind. I turned around and it was a massive shark headed in my direction to my complete surprise.
I say that to say this.
Our subconscious dictates everything our conscious does. We have zero control of our subconscious and what can result from your subconscious can even surprise you, as the shark did me in my Japanese dream.
I reiterate that our surroundings play a large role in what our subconscious becomes.
So why should we be held responsible for most, if not any, of our actions?
Imprisoning someone as punishment is not logical. Isolation for undesirable behavior is more correct but can still be considered a punishment.
So how do we solve this conundrum?