The real linear champion is Wade Barrett
Jason Felix+Posted By on Mar 12
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I hate non-title matches. Despise is actually a more accurate word. I know I’m not the only one who hates them. So I asked this question: What would happen in the professional wrestling world if non-title matches did not exist? What would happen if every time a Champion stepped into the ring in a one on one match, the WWE Championship was on the line? I sought to find out what would happen if that was the case.
The idea to try to figure this out is from the Review a Raw podcast ( John Pollock and Wai Ting for a time were keeping track of the Review A Raw United States Champion because of a non-title match. That’s when I first started thinking about it and finally decided to take the time to try to figure out who the true champion of the WWE is.
Here’s the criteria I used:
Inactivity/Retirement on Lineage: This was the toughest part of this project. What happens if someone wins the Linear Title and then becomes inactive, retires, or dies? As I progressed through the project, on two occasions the retirements happened and one time where the champion just didn’t wrestle for a very long time. I decided that if you were the linear champion, you had to defend the title within 1 year of winning it (i.e. a singles match.) I put such a long window allowing a title defense because I really wanted the lineage to stay as pure as possible. If the champion failed to defend within that one year window, the Linear title would go to whoever the active WWE champion was at that time. If you want to see the pure lineage (i.e. ignores any defense window), please click HERE. (Please note that this link only shows a very limited part of the title history, as so much of it is a duplicate of this one)
Jason Felix+Posted By on Mar 12
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I hate non-title matches. Despise is actually a more accurate word. I know I’m not the only one who hates them. So I asked this question: What would happen in the professional wrestling world if non-title matches did not exist? What would happen if every time a Champion stepped into the ring in a one on one match, the WWE Championship was on the line? I sought to find out what would happen if that was the case.
The idea to try to figure this out is from the Review a Raw podcast ( John Pollock and Wai Ting for a time were keeping track of the Review A Raw United States Champion because of a non-title match. That’s when I first started thinking about it and finally decided to take the time to try to figure out who the true champion of the WWE is.
Here’s the criteria I used:
- WWE Title could only change hands in singles (i.e. one on one) matches (more on that in a second)
- WWE Title can not be lost by countout or disqualification (keeping with the traditional rules of pro wrestling)
- WWE Title could be lost by pinfall, submission, or by a match stipulation.
- WWE Title could be lost by Referee Stoppage
- WWE Title could not be lost in an Multiple Man (Triple Threat, Elimination Chamber, etc) or Tag Team Match
- WWE Title must be defended (i.e. wrestle a one on one match) every 365 days.
- The Linear WWE Title is not bound to the WWE. If the champion loses anywhere (Japan, another territory, etc.), they lose the Linear Title
Inactivity/Retirement on Lineage: This was the toughest part of this project. What happens if someone wins the Linear Title and then becomes inactive, retires, or dies? As I progressed through the project, on two occasions the retirements happened and one time where the champion just didn’t wrestle for a very long time. I decided that if you were the linear champion, you had to defend the title within 1 year of winning it (i.e. a singles match.) I put such a long window allowing a title defense because I really wanted the lineage to stay as pure as possible. If the champion failed to defend within that one year window, the Linear title would go to whoever the active WWE champion was at that time. If you want to see the pure lineage (i.e. ignores any defense window), please click HERE. (Please note that this link only shows a very limited part of the title history, as so much of it is a duplicate of this one)