It's Very Clear That We Don't Care and Aren't Ready.

Mar 23, 2017

Points that demonstrate that nothing is going to happen in the Black community progressively in the next 25 years without some kind of intervention or massive event:

  • We don't want to think outside of America/The West like Marcus Garvey and many great Black musicians and thought leaders in the 20's and 30's suggested. If we had done so we would have conquered Europe by now instead of the Arabs.
  • We don't want to make the proper changes in reproductive habits to reduce dependency on White controlled state and fed welfare systems. And to reduce the incidence of our progeny falling prey to the prison industrial complex.
  • We don't want to work together in CACorporate Amerikkka and protect each other, and band together when one of us gets attacked. This is especially true in the South.
  • We don't want to huddle and form local trade unions that are Black only and service Black areas exclusively. This is especially true in the Midwest.
  • We don't want to discipline our own by force and form our own rules and regulations.
  • We promote individuality and monogamy two concepts which do not work for minorities in any country. What we need is solidarity and polygamy to form strong bonds to resist the enemy.
  • We hold our leaders to unreasonable standards - Why was Dr. Umar Johnson's funding removed due to a crack headed so-called "conscious stripper"?
The list goes on but you get the point. We don't care and we aren't ready.

Mar 23, 2017
OP, just curious about what you meant here.

We need our own patrols and adhere to our own standards. Don't ever call a White cop into your home or community. Develop our own task force to resolve our own issues.

If a breh fukked his brother's wife we draw up consequences for him that are constructive for the community, dissuade him from repeating the behavior and legitimately rehabilitate him. And ensure there are resources on hand to handle the fallout from the incident. The Woman should be punished as well in these circumstances just like in Africa. Here we never discipline Women and the bad behavior and incentives just continue.

No child support. At least not in the way CACs do it. Make the Father stick around in forced visitation and eventually he will want to try and provide as much as possible to make his seed comfortable. Eventually they will learn to take both pride and responsibility in their creation even if it's a dopeboy.

No more European based draconian bullshyt but true constructive corrective action.

Elle Seven

Mar 31, 2017
We need our own patrols and adhere to our own standards. Don't ever call a White cop into your home or community. Develop our own task force to resolve our own issues.

If a breh fukked his brother's wife we draw up consequences for him that are constructive for the community, dissuade him from repeating the behavior and legitimately rehabilitate him. And ensure there are resources on hand to handle the fallout from the incident. The Woman should be punished as well in these circumstances just like in Africa. Here we never discipline Women and the bad behavior and incentives just continue.

No child support. At least not in the way CACs do it. Make the Father stick around in forced visitation and eventually he will want to try and provide as much as possible to make his seed comfortable. Eventually they will learn to take both pride and responsibility in their creation even if it's a dopeboy.

No more European based draconian bullshyt but true constructive corrective action.

Oh, yeah, I totally agree with this. When I heard elders in my family talk, apparently, this was the norm at one time, though - "in-house" policing, I mean, rather than calling the police to handle an issue. This would require such an effort in just building a community within one's neighborhood, for example, I do not know how we would begin at this point. But I'm sure I'm preaching to the choir, lol.

My bad. I read 'discipline our own' and automatically went to thinking children. It got me down because I started thinking automatically about how aggressive and, honestly, violent, a lot of our discipline methods are, but that is an entirely story. I definitely cosign the notion of holding both men and women equally accountable for our actions, though.
Mar 23, 2017
My bad. I read 'discipline our own' and automatically went to thinking children.

The adults need more discipline than the children.

You have grown children walking around in adult bodies.

Well OP, sounds like you've got the foundation, how do you implement this? Maybe we need a leader like you...

As in other threads I mention it is not sustainable for the whole population.

The pill we must swallow is that most of us are NOT gonna make it and only 10-20% of African Americans can thrive under a new system.

Think about it all the ghettotron bullshyt nikkas born in the 80s crack era and the ADHD younger millenials whose momma drank sizzryup while pregnant.

They are all deadweight. We gotta take a hard ass look at even our blood and recognize WHO DON'T WANT TO BE SAVED...I got 20 relatives in mind already who I know will NOT be down with the new program.

The first step is recognizing this and accepting this as fact. The second step is identifying a new place to colonize because Amerikkka AIN'T IT....

I have lost most brehs on the 2nd step. There are like 10 steps. :francis:

Elle Seven

Mar 31, 2017
The adults need more discipline than the children.

You have grown children walking around in adult bodies.

:wow:You ain't never lied. I always catch flak for saying to other grown Black folks it's wrong for me to expect results from my children I'm not either modeling or trying to cultivate within myself. Holding on to the whole 'do as I say, not as I do' mentality prevents us from taking advantage of the trial that is parenthood. If approached as a spiritual path, it could bring someone into total transformation over the time it takes to raise children to adults. Imagine if all Black parents approached it from this angle...

But that's another story. I'd like to hear the rest of the steps you have devised, if you are game to share.

You Win Perfect

bow down
Jan 31, 2013
We need a fukking code and need to follow it at all times. Neely fuller jr. got that book that every black person should read and study. Also dr. welsing. But everybody wants to drink alcohol and watch tv all day

Elle Seven

Mar 31, 2017
We need a fukking code and need to follow it at all times. Neely fuller jr. got that book that every black person should read and study. Also dr. welsing. But everybody wants to drink alcohol and watch tv all day

I've wanted to get that book for a minute - the Compensatory Code, right? Do you have it? If so, has it helped you?
Mar 23, 2017
I've wanted to get that book for a minute - the Compensatory Code, right? Do you have it? If so, has it helped you?

I dont recall if most are reading from his playbook or vice versa, but Nelly Fuller Jr. completely breaks down Jim Crow's legacy and the continued plantation mentality among most of us in the most accurate way I've seen to date. The Compensatory code is just the tip of the iceberg, the C.O.W.S. podcast is definitely something to tune into and he is a featured guest on it frequently along with other key Black thinkers both new and old. I believe that he also has his own channel on YouTube where an artist visually depicts exactly the scenarios he is referring to in typical American Black dysfunctional social interactions and mindsets amongst ourselves and Whites.

However, I decided this path on my own long before I heard about him, but my mother was influenced by Sharazad Ali and a man I believe by the name of Dr Jawanza Kunjufu among many others. Growing up in any major Black area in the 70s there was a lot of "consciousness" if you will and my Father and Mother learned about most of this stuff just as youths on the street. Just listening to old heads and buying conscious books usually sold in street fairs or bazaar every weekend in most Black communities at the time nationwide.

Step 3 is also controversial among American brehs but African brehs are already doing it. It is what I like to call the Black Genghis Khan approach. You have to impregnate local Women and assimilate into the local culture. Incorporate the beneficial values into yourself while discarding the inferior traits. Create a new stronger hybrid culture within your household fusing the best of Black values with the best of local traditions.

Now many will disagree and say you are diluting your genetic potency and weakening the gene line etc. But they don't understand that Men can literally spread their seed it doesn't matter. You can have 100% Black children all the same and mixed children. The reality is the Father's genetics determine the destiny. Some huge percentage of East Asians have Genghis Khan DNA all the way West to Slavs. Are they 100% mongol? No. But what is important is that his life essence and attitude/perspective and characteristics live on in his progeny.

When you think about this in aggregate it's more than just about reproducing Blackness it's about disarming other groups by assimilating THEM INTO YOU. But also the reverse and taking the best traits their culture has to offer and incorporating that unto yourself.

Think about the Blasians in Africa that are a hybrid in the instance where the Man is Chinese and the Woman is Black. The reality is that they will not be accepted in China so their allegiance at the end of the day will ultimately be Black.

Blackness overrides all else and it will take 10 generations to mellow out Black genes but only 1 to restore melanin by 50% to the progeny of a half Black child.
Mar 23, 2017
It's impossible without an community. To be honest, it's also impossible without OGs

Overall many of our elders failed us but we have to lay new groundwork and be the new OGs. I have kids just graduating college looking up to me so I have to do what I can to guide them along.


Jun 22, 2014

Points that demonstrate that nothing is going to happen in the Black community progressively in the next 25 years without some kind of intervention or massive event:

  • We don't want to think outside of America/The West like Marcus Garvey and many great Black musicians and thought leaders in the 20's and 30's suggested. If we had done so we would have conquered Europe by now instead of the Arabs.
  • We don't want to make the proper changes in reproductive habits to reduce dependency on White controlled state and fed welfare systems. And to reduce the incidence of our progeny falling prey to the prison industrial complex.
  • We don't want to work together in CACorporate Amerikkka and protect each other, and band together when one of us gets attacked. This is especially true in the South.
  • We don't want to huddle and form local trade unions that are Black only and service Black areas exclusively. This is especially true in the Midwest.
  • We don't want to discipline our own by force and form our own rules and regulations.
  • We promote individuality and monogamy two concepts which do not work for minorities in any country. What we need is solidarity and polygamy to form strong bonds to resist the enemy.
  • We hold our leaders to unreasonable standards - Why was Dr. Umar Johnson's funding removed due to a crack headed so-called "conscious stripper"?
The list goes on but you get the point. We don't care and we aren't ready.
Arabs haven't "conquered" Europe.
Reproductive habits alone won't stop "welfare systems." Its also weird how you just tried to talk a circle around "eugenics." Just say "eugenics" man.
Polygamy is a fukking terrible idea.
Umar Johnson isn't a leader, he's a dork.
A Black-only trade union? You do know the strength of a Union comes almost exclusively from it's size, right?
Mar 23, 2017
Arabs haven't "conquered" Europe.
Reproductive habits alone won't stop "welfare systems." Its also weird how you just tried to talk a circle around "eugenics." Just say "eugenics" man.
Polygamy is a fukking terrible idea.
Umar Johnson isn't a leader, he's a dork.
A Black-only trade union? You do know the strength of a Union comes almost exclusively from it's size, right?

  • Are you kidding me there are Arabs raping Danish Women with no consequences.
  • I don't believe in "Eugenics" per se but I believe in the evolution theory that only the top strongest will survive and the rest will die out. Compared to history we have way too many people on this planet in general compared with the resources present. The lazy and purposefully weak sheeps will need to die eventually. But I guess it will have to be in a politically correct manner. I have never been under the delusion that I have the right to thrive in this life. I have fought using the leverage I have to obtain most of what I have today. Most Americans despite subscribing to capitalism on a superficial level seem to believe that it is not a fight for survival but a fight for riches. I have never been under the false belief that there is a net to catch my fall. This is the problem with our people. We seem to believe that the government will save us from pain and suffering when we all are broke and weighed down with children we never should have had with no resources.
  • Polygamy is a terrible idea yet many African societies were polygamist and continue to be unofficially
  • Umar Johnson is a dork? What does that have to do with his competence to pull together resources for our young Black Men when no one else cares about these products of single mothers?
  • Exactly - If all the Midwestern brothers who are tradesmen get together and form a regional trade union we have the numbers and skill leverage to sustain real results and negotiate with top domestic and foreign employers. Ohio, Illinois, Indiana etc. All together they'd be a force to be reckoned with.


Jun 22, 2014
  • Are you kidding me there are Arabs raping Danish Women with no consequences.
  • I don't believe in "Eugenics" per se but I believe in the evolution theory that only the top strongest will survive and the rest will die out. Compared to history we have way too many people on this planet in general compared with the resources present. The lazy and purposefully weak sheeps will need to die eventually. But I guess it will have to be in a politically correct manner. I have never been under the delusion that I have the right to thrive in this life. I have fought using the leverage I have to obtain most of what I have today. Most Americans despite subscribing to capitalism on a superficial level seem to believe that it is not a fight for survival but a fight for riches. I have never been under the false belief that there is a net to catch my fall. This is the problem with our people. We seem to believe that the government will save us from pain and suffering when we all are broke and weighed down with children we never should have had with no resources.
  • Polygamy is a terrible idea yet many African societies were polygamist and continue to be unofficially
  • Umar Johnson is a dork? What does that have to do with his competence to pull together resources for our young Black Men when no one else cares about these products of single mothers?
  • Exactly - If all the Midwestern brothers who are tradesmen get together and form a regional trade union we have the numbers and skill leverage to sustain real results and negotiate with top domestic and foreign employers. Ohio, Illinois, Indiana etc. All together they'd be a force to be reckoned with.
1. No. Sounds like you're subscribing to a lot of far-right Denmark publications.
2. That's not how "evolutionary theory" works.
3. I don't think pointing to an odd trait of some of the poorest states on the planet is the way to go. Polygamy breaks down with "modernization," just like female genital mutilation, religious adherence, and death from malaria.
4. Umar Johnson hasn't pulled anything together. He just gives "talks," has WWE like beefs on Youtube, fundraises for projects that haven't panned out, gets featured in Hidden Colors movies, and argues on Twitter.
5. I'm not sure about this, it would have to have a higher rate of participation than any union in the past. Labor is a good place to look for leverage so I definitely wouldn't discount something like this.