I was randomly on a Vin Scully fan tribute Twitter page(https://twitter.com/VinScullyTweet), I noticed one amazing thing, Vin Scully hasn't really aged that badly for a guy in his 80s. We liked the make reference to the fact that white individuals especially women age pretty poorly, but Scully seems to be a rare breed.
Scully in 1989
Scully in the mid 90s with Jack Buck:
Scully with Joe Torre, Don Zimmer and Yogi Berra in 2004:
Vin Scully today:
to one of the GOAT baseball announcers, it's also amazing how he is still this good of an announcer and also how well his memory of past events in baseball history that spans nearly 60 years 
Scully in 1989

Scully in the mid 90s with Jack Buck:

Scully with Joe Torre, Don Zimmer and Yogi Berra in 2004:

Vin Scully today: