I remember coppin the tape version when it came out and my boy had the cd and we immediatly noticed that the song arrangement on both were different and "silent Murder" was NOT on the cd version.
It wasnt till years later that someone wised up at Sony and added Silent Murder as a bonus track on the cd. In 2002 I went to Harlem where there was a store that still sold tapes and the tape version was still the same(Of course I purchased it because by that time it was a rare item.) It obviously wasnt some sort of manufacturing flaw...the different song arrangements must have been done on purpose(but by whom? The label or Nas?). One thing I'll never forget was how my boy and a few others kept asking to borrow the tape because we all agreed that it was the better version due to the song arrangement and Silent Murder being at the end of side 1. The mystery of why there are different versions is still in the air. Till this day when It Was Written is refered to as a classic I immediatly think of how, yes, the tape version is the classic, not the cd version.
It wasnt till years later that someone wised up at Sony and added Silent Murder as a bonus track on the cd. In 2002 I went to Harlem where there was a store that still sold tapes and the tape version was still the same(Of course I purchased it because by that time it was a rare item.) It obviously wasnt some sort of manufacturing flaw...the different song arrangements must have been done on purpose(but by whom? The label or Nas?). One thing I'll never forget was how my boy and a few others kept asking to borrow the tape because we all agreed that it was the better version due to the song arrangement and Silent Murder being at the end of side 1. The mystery of why there are different versions is still in the air. Till this day when It Was Written is refered to as a classic I immediatly think of how, yes, the tape version is the classic, not the cd version.