Triple H has always needed a lot of 'ga-ga' in his matches. He usually has at least one other person, sometimes a whole group of people come down to the ring with him for the additional heat. His 'big' ppv matches are almost always some type of gimmick match, almost always with stipulations and sometimes even a special referee and his matches almost always feature a lot of outside interference, brawling outside the ring, and the use of weapons etc.. It's all there to add heat, interest, and to make his matches seem more exciting which is something he can't do on his own.
Taker was far too old and broken down at this point to be able to carry the load, that's why Hunter was such a terrible opponent for him at that point in his career. Taker needed someone who could bump. sell, and create movement around him and Hunter was the wrong guy for that. Shawn was the right guy and that's why Takers matches with him were so much better, he gave Taker what he needed and notice how Taker and Shawn didn't need all the 'ga-ga' to go out there and have a classic match either.