If you can post another statement or behavior that tops this please do.... How can you use this experience as a reason for being outgoing???!
“I go to my white grandparents' house, and then I cross the railroad tracks and hang out with my black grandma. We have English teachers on my white side. My grandpa is a principal. And then you go to the other side and people have been in jail.”
“the newcomer rapped along to every word of a Wiz Khalifa hip-hop song, then belted out the chorus to a George Strait country song”
“I go to my white grandparents' house, and then I cross the railroad tracks and hang out with my black grandma. We have English teachers on my white side. My grandpa is a principal. And then you go to the other side and people have been in jail.”
“the newcomer rapped along to every word of a Wiz Khalifa hip-hop song, then belted out the chorus to a George Strait country song”