Pull Up the Roots
Are we really content with letting @Cattle Mutilation continue to exploit anti-Black racism to make a mockery of it, for company wars?
Are we really content with letting @Cattle Mutilation continue to exploit anti-Black racism to make a mockery of it, for company wars?
Considering the main event is much more often than not the lowest rated quarteer of Dynamite and Rampage, putting the women and black wrestlers in those quarters would only reduce the amount of exposure they get.
So your assumption is that Black wrestlers would bring even lower ratings, or wouldn't help AEW's declining ratings rebound.
Here's some more rope. Please, keep talking.
Neither. You're just making yourself look like an ass by making a bunch of assumptions.
The earlier in the show a wrestler is, the more viewers they typically get. Applies to everyone on the roster. People don't stick around for the main event. I'm just reporting the facts. If you want to make assumptions about people you don't know shyt about on a message board then have at it. I'm not going to waste my energy with that.
Nice try.
One answer, just a yes or no. Do you think that putting Black wrestlers in the mens and/or women's world title scene will increase AEW's viewership?
He dodges and moves onThis is hilarious. He pivoted from the question so quick and immediately booked those black dudes to be fed to mjf after he gets the title
"Do you think these black dudes can draw in the main event"
"I don't know but they'd be great to make MJF look strong"
This is AEW mentality
So which black wrestler is Brock going to get to bury at this show?
Why do you pretend like you care about black issues and wrestlers in order to gain favor here? Stop talking about us
pandering like a motherfukker, just be yourself Cattle
How cute of you to think I'm trying to gain favor from a bunch of strangers I'll never meet.
So is this like the PWI 500 but by black people for black wrestlers?
Braun is a MAGA guy soooooo
See, you're a white hillbilly so you don't really understand that as black men and women, we know all of these country ass carnys don't support us like that. The ones that do are pleasant surprises and we ride with them on some level but really since Hogan nobody has been shocked, not even once.
Don't think we out here like "they're maga? I thought he was a white man who supported my future and causes." We don't even think about these uneducated traveling circus acts like that.
NO REPLY@Cattle Mutilation can you just not speak on anything black whatsoever? Even thread title sounds gross asf coming from you. Can't you just mind your own fukkin business???
Cattle keeps trying to bait racism in WWEWhat happen
What happen
Nothing wrong with respecting and digging other cultures (Euphoria isn’t our culture tho lol)@Cattle Mutilation keeps trying to pander on here by talking about "Triple K" and how WWE isn't pushing black wrestlers
keep in mind this is the same guy that when I asked what black culture he consumed and what brought him here of all places he said he watches Euphoria and the NBAand named a bunch of books they make you read in school
Nothing wrong with respecting and digging other cultures (Euphoria isn’t our culture tho lol)
But Cattle being disingenuous, especially since he doesn’t even watch WWE. lol.
I think this why people keep saying just be you but he not getting it