Brehs maybe it's just me but about at least 80% of finishing moves suck and gets no reaction from me. Its not like the old days when Austin would hit the Stone Cold Stunner and JR would lose his damn mind "BY GAAWD HE JUST WHOOPED A MAN'S ASS!" or when Diamond Dallas Page hit the Diamond Cutter and the crowd is on their feet cheering or when Goldberg lifts a opponent up for the Jackhammer with Heenan screaming "DA MAAAAAANNN!!!" or everyone in the crowd screaming "3D!" for the Dudley Death Drop or stomping along as HBK tunes up the band for some Sweet Chin Music and etc.
Now other than Orton's "RKO" and Cesaro "Neutralizer" on the giant opponents... is there anyone that has a finishing move today that brings out the emotion in everyone watching... or has finishers been no-sold to the point where it's just a normal move?
Now other than Orton's "RKO" and Cesaro "Neutralizer" on the giant opponents... is there anyone that has a finishing move today that brings out the emotion in everyone watching... or has finishers been no-sold to the point where it's just a normal move?