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Moderator Note: Given the high volume of religious discussion that occurs in HL, this thread shall be the official thread for such discussion. The objective of said thread, is to prevent spamming in HL and to create a library of these discussion. It is essentially in the same vein as the "random jewels for dealing with women thread in TLR." That means substantive discussion, musings and just individuals personal religious journeys should be documented in here. This does not mean that every religious thread will be merged into this thread, but the moderators reserve the right to do so. Rehashed questions and threads intended to troll are especially susceptible to being included in this thread, locked, or deleted. Thank you.
At the request of - Real Talk of NY.
I'll start off by saying this. I find it wild and uncivilized to see some christians call out Islam to be this big bad religion when they have little to no knowledge of their own religion. What's yall beef? Have we not proven 9/11 was done by Israel, and the Christian US gov? Here's a chart comparing the 2.
Islam: Christianity:
One God ------ One god(supposedly)
Prays to god ------- Prays to god(supposedly)
Believes god is righteous ------ Believes god is righteous
Practice Rituals -------- Practice Rituals
Have a place of worship ------ Have a place of worship
what's the differences?
Islam: Christianity:
Women are covered ------- Women dress however
Don't eat pork ------ Eat Pork
Are high on education ------ Rather party than study
Fast ---------No fast
Which one is the wicked one again?
So what's causing the hatred between the 2?
Islam: Christianity:
And the governments taking advantage of the situation loves ignorance
So what's the beef?
At the request of - Real Talk of NY.
I'll start off by saying this. I find it wild and uncivilized to see some christians call out Islam to be this big bad religion when they have little to no knowledge of their own religion. What's yall beef? Have we not proven 9/11 was done by Israel, and the Christian US gov? Here's a chart comparing the 2.
Islam: Christianity:
One God ------ One god(supposedly)
Prays to god ------- Prays to god(supposedly)
Believes god is righteous ------ Believes god is righteous
Practice Rituals -------- Practice Rituals
Have a place of worship ------ Have a place of worship
what's the differences?
Islam: Christianity:
Women are covered ------- Women dress however
Don't eat pork ------ Eat Pork
Are high on education ------ Rather party than study
Fast ---------No fast
Which one is the wicked one again?
So what's causing the hatred between the 2?
Islam: Christianity:
And the governments taking advantage of the situation loves ignorance
So what's the beef?