I had this argument with my uncle earlier
My stance is that while cities overall are safer, due to gentrification and displacement etc.. the actual
Hoods that remain are still just as dangerous for blk ppl
If you have a city in 1990 that had 30 bad hoods , and fast forward to 2025 that city only has 15 bad hoods left after gentrification and mass incarceration, the overall numbers for the cities violent crime rate will be down, but the numbers for those remaining 15 hoods are still the same as they have always been.
For blk ppl in bad neighborhoods present day is literally just as dangerous for them as it always has been
This thing of old heads(who aren’t even in the streets ) claiming that stuff is “safe” now
Sounds silly imo
My stance is that while cities overall are safer, due to gentrification and displacement etc.. the actual
Hoods that remain are still just as dangerous for blk ppl
If you have a city in 1990 that had 30 bad hoods , and fast forward to 2025 that city only has 15 bad hoods left after gentrification and mass incarceration, the overall numbers for the cities violent crime rate will be down, but the numbers for those remaining 15 hoods are still the same as they have always been.
For blk ppl in bad neighborhoods present day is literally just as dangerous for them as it always has been
This thing of old heads(who aren’t even in the streets ) claiming that stuff is “safe” now
Sounds silly imo