If you recall, from 2019-2020 or so there were two particular election campaigns: Don't vote at all and Vote Downballot Democrat (unless reparations are offered)
These campaigns tried to distance themselves from one another, but resulting effect was one in the same: Removing your vote for President removes any and all influence you could have on federal courts and judges. It definitely did SOMETHING. Trump was able to appoint 54 Circuit Judges (ranked 6th of all time) and 3 Supreme Court Justices (the most since Nixon/Reagan). The irony is we literally witnessed the Voting Rights Act gutted by the SC under Obama. This was BEFORE the Internet Ass Era and WITH Black people voting at record numbers-- which apparently needed to stop.
So don't vote. Vote downballot. And the fight for reparations continues Are we witnessing a long game strategy that'll ultimately payoff or is this the reality
These campaigns tried to distance themselves from one another, but resulting effect was one in the same: Removing your vote for President removes any and all influence you could have on federal courts and judges. It definitely did SOMETHING. Trump was able to appoint 54 Circuit Judges (ranked 6th of all time) and 3 Supreme Court Justices (the most since Nixon/Reagan). The irony is we literally witnessed the Voting Rights Act gutted by the SC under Obama. This was BEFORE the Internet Ass Era and WITH Black people voting at record numbers-- which apparently needed to stop.
So don't vote. Vote downballot. And the fight for reparations continues Are we witnessing a long game strategy that'll ultimately payoff or is this the reality