Nah, i meant what i said.
got served up so many L's dis year and Bron gettin dat rang was da icing on da cake. Plus him and dat banshee c00n Smif can be a lil "too much". It has lost its mojo as far as I'm concerned.
Fair enough, I've been thinking it lost a little bit too, for me, ever since the Jalen situation. After that it has been going downhill, particularly because they lost the feel of the show without Dana/Jay on as often, and less provoking guests. The Tebow Special was awful.
Im just sayin, I didnt expect much of a comeback during this time of the sports season.

served himself a fresh L yesterday. He was raving about Joseph Addai to the Patriots, then today, Addai got waived. To me, seeing him get clowned and take losses is still entertaining enough for me to put on TV when I have the chance, particularly with the other morning TV options available, so Ill still probably watch, but it is clear that the show has fallen off, especially in credibility of journalistic debate because skip is obvious

is obvious status.