Is social media even useful for trying to get your work out there if it ain't gonna blow up quick?


Nov 17, 2016
Anxiety attacks and sugar cookies
i worded the title the best I can but I like making music and editing pictures. And I notice so do millions of other people cool. But I thought to myself, why the fukk do I HAVE to be on ig and Facebook or whatever to get on with my work? Why do people have to follow me? If I make a website, or blog site, get a band camp or SoundCloud, or post music on a streaming site, why I gotta spam my social media with work? I understand it's the easiest way to reach a wide audience but most great artist won't hit that for a few years anyway

I don't really want the hassle of doing that I'd rather have my own sites and alert system, if someone is really gonna be a fan theyll stick with you when they find you

Why isn't knowing the right people stressed? I see so many people posting their shyt but I never really see the point if you don't meet the person that exposes you to the people the count in your perspective industry, enlighten me, cause I'm really just gonna train in my arts in silence then sign up for events and show cases when I'm ready

Music Fiend

May 14, 2014
Youa ren't suppsoed to spam your music or be putting your music out without a plan.

Too many nikkas think promo & marketing is posting to social media. Stack your bread, increase your talent, and find management or promotion agencies to help.

The idea is that the work behind the scene is going to attract people to want to hear you. Not hearing you is going to make them want to buy in.

You are better off connecting with real people, forming connections with people, other creators, and supporting them.

So if you do music, make a product, A1 quality, get it mixed and mastered (by a connect for some $). Mingle in your cities scene. Most of the cats you see with success that blow up already had a following. The key is in gettign started and forming a following of ppl who fukk with you for you. Let's say you focus for a year on increasing your reach, you get on social media, join into convos, post funny content haave a link in your bio. You could very well get to 4k or more followers in a year. Keep that up and add some music and you have ppl that wil peep off of liking you.

EXAMPLE: Beyond my stints with music. My homie in college loved to edit videos but had like 200 followers and no one cared. So he hopped on social media, started being himself online and commenting on everyone elses posts, pics, music, movies, and crafts. He reached out to ppl who need to be filmed and would undersell but overdeliver over and over for free. Just random shyt, dude would film local comedians, music videos for cats doing music, live performances, do youtube videos for those who wanted to do it, take pics of ppl and edit them, make album covers. In like a year or two he boked up to 11k followers and not when he posts stuff, ppl are legitimately checking for him.

Henri Christophe

Son Of Afrika
Jan 3, 2015
NYC / Royaume d'Haïti
Sure OP.

Social media and the internet totally useless

I guess we should go back to the days of hand to hand and selling out the trunk and word of mouth

Social media is totally pointless :mjlol:
Dec 26, 2016
The best advice I can give you is to just keep promoting your brand and putting your work out there. No one, unless they bought their following, is going to have 1k-100k followers/subscribers overnight. Also while your promoting, follow the people you admire, and various agencies. These two things will see your work, check it out and pass the links along to others.Also use Youtube. It's the perfect way to try and blow up and get lots of views and followers. Also, you have to remain consistent. Update every week at a certain time, or even every other day if need be; but don't spam. You should also think of getting a website set up to show off your work so that folks have a place of reference. Social media is perfect for those in the business of themselves.