Nah... cause I kinda get what he was saying about that particular match.
It wasn't meant to be a workrate classic... with 60-year-old Piper and 70-year-old Snuka in it, it CLEARLY wasn't supposed to be that. So in that sense, it wasn't "supposed to be good"- it was more like a match where Jericho was supposed to easily outclass the old guys and go over, then get into a confrontation with Rourke. I don't think that's Vince's attitude toward the product as a whole- if it had been Jericho vs Michaels or Jericho vs Mysterio or somethin', he probably would've expected and wanted it to be "good". But a match like that? Naaah.
That being said, Jericho was right... Steamboat was a better choice than Valentine, and it created a nice moment for that show and a surprise for the crowd who probably didn't know Steamboat was still that good. I went to my friend's house to watch it, and this one dude's kids were amazed that the old man they'd never heard of was holding his own. That worked way better than Valentine would have, cause the nostalgia value isn't there with him like it is with Piper, Steamboat, and Snuka.