So I'm working on my beach bod for labor day in Vegas when going to pool parties. at 6'4", 160 lbs will 10 pounds make a difference in terms of me looking bigger or more toned?
2nd part of my question is I workout 3 days a week, 1 day of cardio with 2 days of weight lifting. If I add in doing a push up's and crunches until failure or at least 5 sets of 50 for each workout the 3 days I exercise will my abs and chest be more toned and defined?
2nd part of my question is I workout 3 days a week, 1 day of cardio with 2 days of weight lifting. If I add in doing a push up's and crunches until failure or at least 5 sets of 50 for each workout the 3 days I exercise will my abs and chest be more toned and defined?