Is it just me? Or does it seem unnecesary for most of Africa to have nuclear?


Dec 15, 2019
Is it just me or does it seem unnecesary for most of africa to have nuclear power?

It seems like its mostly places that have much greater supplies of other natural resources that are aiming for nuclear. For example, Kenya is aiming for a nuclear powerplant by 2027; but has a grid that already runs on an infinite supply of geothermal from the Rift Valley. THey also have enough land and a prime location for cheaper solar installations.

Next, you have Burkino Faso which has recently been fooled by the Russians to build a very very very very expensive nuclear powerplant; which the Russians will obviously have to manage cause they lack the human capital. Beyond the geopolotics here, Burkino Faso has some of the most prime sunlight in the world with its poximity to the Sahara.

Similar to Burkino Faso, Russia has also conviced a corrupt, loan hungry egypt to open an expensive nuclear powerplant ; deposite once again being in a very prime location for Solar power.

Finally you have nigeria which may have a legitimate need for non-oil based power generation; but is also ignoring the hydro powerpotenital of the mighty Niger river. They have the same potential for being a hydro nation as DRC with the congo; yet they are chasing nuclear dreams.

The only recent nuclear contender i can see with fair justification is Rawanda. They plan for a nuclear plant in 2026. They dont have have the land necessary for a largescale solar array, despite being near the equator. They also cant tap into the geothermal that ethiopia or Kenya have. They also have an educated workforce which could conceivably be trained to run a nuclear plant. But my issue with them is twofold. First, cost my destroy them given how small their tax base is. Second is space for waste;

And Waste is the other big issue with these plants . You have countries witha proven track record of poor governanace , tasked with reponsibly diposing of biohazardous waste. They already cant handle their own waste as place like nigeria or burkino faso have unattended landfills and trasj in rivers; so highly doubt they can dispose of Nuclear waste responsibly.

I suppose my main gripes here with African nuclear ambitions are the cost, first to countries who are already in the grips of debt default, followed by these countries ignoring of other renewable resources, follwed by the poor governance of theses nations and their waste. As a final side note, the instability and terrorist activity unique to Nigeria and BurkinoFaso are troubling as these plants are prime targets.

But what do you guys think. With so many other alternatives , does africa need nuclear power?:jbhmm:

Secure Da Bag

Dec 20, 2017
I'm all for Africa building thorium nuclear power plants. Produces just as much as traditional nuke plants and is actually safer.

But in overall, it's necessary. Why have coal power plants when you can have a cleaner power source.