H-Town it's NOT our year
I think no one Hollywood has anywhere close to his body count in movies

to the GOAT

I think no one Hollywood has anywhere close to his body count in movies
to the GOAT
Hes prob the coolest but nah the best. Hes a solid 3rd behind Arnold and Sly.who are 1a and 1b.
Segal, JCVD, Norris, Bronson and Eastwood are in the picture as well.
How can I forget OG Clint, I grew up on his Westerns too.
His westetns and Dirty Harrys alone had high counts
Charkes Bronson is slept on though, he was a bad motherfukker
I give Sly the edge over Arnie, Mel Gibson and Willis are up there. Rambo is unfukkwittable though lol
Mel is easily forgotten and shouldnt be. Riggs and Mad Max are two bad motherfukkers. Its hard to choose between all these dudes, the edge to me goes between Arnold and Sly because thats the only lane they could do acting wise.
The 80s is really the best movie era.