Not really...I wouldn't consider those examples to be "extreme blasphemy" ...passive token christianity is pretty much is pretty worthless, it's like the mcdonalds of religion anyhow, so gives a shyt...ain't nothing sacred bout any of that terminology at this point
Rick Ross throws about muslim terminology for the sake of makin songs hot. Dumbass muslim rap fans think its cool too
however if you're worried about disrespect towards religions, why not focus on the fukkin content rather than titles of songs?
i got spiritual beliefs but i don't get caught up in this hip hop shyt. and honestly, who actually cares. most of the time they're trolling, trying to get a response from someone riled up to add to the buzz. it really aint a big deal
though i dont know, i wouldnt mind hearing more artists being more honest and personal about shyt whether they have any beliefs or not