Is 1619 the real year Africans were sent to the Americas to be oppressed?

Secure Da Bag

Dec 20, 2017

There are important historical correctives to the myth of 1619 that can help us ask better questions about the past. Most obviously, 1619 was not the first time Africans could be found in an English Atlantic colony, and it certainly wasn’t the first time people of African descent made their mark and imposed their will on the land that would someday be part of the United States. As early as May 1616, Blacks from the West Indies were already at work in Bermuda providing expert knowledge about the cultivation of tobacco. There is also suggestive evidence that scores of Africans plundered from the Spanish were aboard a fleet under the command of Sir Francis Drake when he arrived at Roanoke Island in 1586. In 1526, enslaved Africans were part of a Spanish expedition to establish an outpost on the North American coast in present-day South Carolina. Those Africans launched a rebellion in November of that year and effectively destroyed the Spanish settlers’ ability to sustain the settlement, which they abandoned a year later. Nearly 100 years before Jamestown, African actors enabled American colonies to survive, and they were equally able to destroy European colonial ventures.

Since there were Africans that have been on this continent, because of Europeans, since the early 1500s, why do we use 1619 as the year in which "Americans" participated in the Oppression Trade?

JahFocus CS

Get It How You Get It
Sep 10, 2014
Republic of New Afrika

Since there were Africans that have been on this continent, because of Europeans, since the early 1500s, why do we use 1619 as the year in which "Americans" participated in the Oppression Trade?

I would say because 1619 is the year it constituted a continuous phenomenon. As the quotation you provided mentioned, African resistance prior to that point was able to disrupt cac rule to the point that they weren't able to maintain the oppression continuously. From 1619 to the present, it hasn't really been disjointed.

But yes -- to the extent that those pre-1619 Africans are being wrongly written out of history -- the discussion around the date needs to be expanded.