Dog Based Gremlin
Every member of NXT season 1
(Barrett, Otunga, Heath, Gabriel, Darren Young, Ryback, D-Bry)
is on WWE programming currently except for...
Michael Tarver
History of WWE NXT - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Not one member of NXT season 2
(Kaval, Michael McGullicutty, Alex Riley, Husky Harris, Percy Watson, Lucky Cannon, Eli Cottonwood)
is on WWE programming (Raw/SD) currently except for
Titus O Neil
History of WWE NXT - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
just a Sportscenter type fun fact i noticed while looking at old clips of NXT on Youtube
Tarver and his gully mask needs to come back and No, I dont count Alex Riley as being on tv, dude is pretty much done
(Barrett, Otunga, Heath, Gabriel, Darren Young, Ryback, D-Bry)
is on WWE programming currently except for...
Michael Tarver
History of WWE NXT - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Not one member of NXT season 2
(Kaval, Michael McGullicutty, Alex Riley, Husky Harris, Percy Watson, Lucky Cannon, Eli Cottonwood)
is on WWE programming (Raw/SD) currently except for
Titus O Neil
History of WWE NXT - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
just a Sportscenter type fun fact i noticed while looking at old clips of NXT on Youtube
Tarver and his gully mask needs to come back and No, I dont count Alex Riley as being on tv, dude is pretty much done