Although, I don’t like Iran, we all know OP has Muhammad more on his mind than Jesus

Ain’t that right , OP?
I think you’re ignoring the elephant in the room.
Why is Muhammad treated like a God by some Muslims.
Take a deeper dive into the internet read some reactions from actual Muslims
But if you must know, this story is relevant to me
I asked a Muslim to his FACE why they didn’t respect Jesus the same way they do Muhammad.
He said “don’t talk about my prophet” and I said well keep that same energy with anyone who disrespects Jesus or makes fun of him in movies, music, art, television, etc….
And he said that JESUS isn’t the same Jesus of Islam
So I say the Muhammad of the QURAN isn’t the same Muhammad I know from history!
Actually, his REAL name was QUTHAM IBN ABD AL-LAT