Iran Nuclear Deal: USA remains out under Biden; Russia and Iran collaborating on nuclear items


I’m from Brooklyn a place where stars are born.
Jul 16, 2015
Russian and Chinese companies are filling some of those voids though. If the EU, which imports 5% of its oil from Iran, buckles under too much pressure, these exports will be relocated to Asian customers such as China, India, Japan and South Korea.

On the military front, nothing will prevent Russia from supplying Iran with S-400 missile systems or China with its “carrier-killers.”
The issue is that Iran wants a diverse investment. They want European investment so they could go to Russia and China and basically have the leverage to get better deals. Second, what would be the point of Iran to stay under the JPCOA if the Europeans buckle? Domestically that will not fly with the Iranian people. If Europe buckles thne Iran will say "fukk it. We agreed with a deal with the West and they turned their back on us. We will restart our nuclear program."

Plus the S-300 Iran is the S-300 PMU2. It is the latest version of the S-300. It shares the same technology with the S-400 and can be updated to S-400 easily. The Russians made it that way to easily integrate and update it to S-400. The Iranians are probably working as we speak to work on the components to make their own version of S-400(Bavar 373).
The best technical discussion of design of the S-300PMU2 to date is a recent article by Alexander Ryazanov, Chief Designer, Vitaliy Semenov, Chief Designer, Almaz-Antey, and Dr Anatoliy Sumin, consultant to Almaz-Antey, published in the Russian language Vozdushno-Kosmicheskaya Oborona journal, No 2 . Follow on articles by other authors expand on this analysis Ryazanov state that the S-300PMU2 began as a “deep modernisation” or technology insertion upgrade to the existing S-300PM/PMU1 / SA-20A design, and state trials (Russian OpEval) were completed in 2007. The protracted development of the S-300PMU2 resulted in technology migration from the concurrent but more advanced S-400 Triumf / SA-21. The intent was to maximise commonality in as many components as possible, between the S-300PMU2 Favorit and S-400 Triumf.


Go Wizards, Go Terps, Go Packers!
Staff member
May 16, 2012
The issue is that Iran wants a diverse investment. They want European investment so they could go to Russia and China and basically have the leverage to get better deals. Second, what would be the point of Iran to stay under the JPCOA if the Europeans buckle? Domestically that will not fly with the Iranian people. If Europe buckles thne Iran will say "fukk it. We agreed with a deal with the West and they turned their back on us. We will restart our nuclear program."

Plus the S-300 Iran is the S-300 PMU2. It is the latest version of the S-300. It shares the same technology with the S-400 and can be updated to S-400 easily. The Russians made it that way to easily integrate and update it to S-400. The Iranians are probably working as we speak to work on the components to make their own version of S-400(Bavar 373).

The Iranians never trusted the US. And they know the Europeans will eventually buckle.

The victory was the removal of UN Sanctions. And the window of opportunity to repatriate all the frozen money held in western accounts.


Dreams and Nightmares
Oct 12, 2012
In the Cloud
The U.S. loves to make it sound like these middle east countries pose a real threat to the world with weapons of mass destruction as a means to invade and pillage those same countries.

They know Iran isn't going to fully comply, to which they will spin it that Iran forced or hand, we didn't want war but Iran chose it, we're simply protecting the world kumbaya bull shyt.

Seen this story before. Why I think this ultimately leads to is more countries agreeing to not us USD as the world standard, ultimately pulling all power away from the US and crashing our economy, government and everything else at the same time. Maybe not tomorrow, maybe not in 5 years, but you know these other countries are sick and tired of U.S. using its powers of sanctions to force decisions on other countries. At some point, they are going to say fukk all that and move on from US relations all together.


All Star
Oct 31, 2015
Didn't Bush wage war without Congress' approval though?
Can't Trump try the same?

Geek Nasty

Brain Knowledgeably Whizzy
Jan 30, 2015
South Kakalaka
This is why I hate these monolithic threads. Original comments had jack shyt to do with the thread title unless we got some time traveling coli members.


All Star
Oct 31, 2015
This is why I hate these monolithic threads. Original comments had jack shyt to do with the thread title unless we got some time traveling coli members.

Feel ya.
A lot of the bitcoin threads are more about cryptos in general.

Maybe the damn world can breath easier.

Congress voted on illegally invading Iraq.

Iraq Resolution - Wikipedia

You two think he'd be dumb enough to use the war powers act on Iran?


I’m from Brooklyn a place where stars are born.
Jul 16, 2015
Maybe the damn world can breath easier.
War is going to happen breh. He withdrew from the Iran deal. Reimposed sanctions. The threat of of sanctions already has European businesses fleeing Iran. And Khomeni said the other day that if the Europeans do not hold their end of the deal ie investments that Iran will leave JPCOA Nd restart their nuclear program. And if that happens Bolton and Pompeo will tell Trump to bomb Iran. And boom America will be in a bloody quagmire in Iran. And this war will end America’s superpower status.
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Go Wizards, Go Terps, Go Packers!
Staff member
May 16, 2012

Why India is ignoring US sanctions and sticking with Iran

It's not just about oil – there's a complex interconnection of geopolitics and geoeconomics between the two countries
By PEPE ESCOBAR JUNE 3, 2018 1:07 PM (UTC+8)

India buys Iranian oil with rupees, circumventing the US dollar. Illustration: iStock

Pay very close attention to what India’s External Affairs Minister, Sushma Swaraj, said after meeting with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif earlier this week in New Delhi:

“Our foreign policy is not made under pressure from other countries … We recognize UN sanctions and not country-specific sanctions. We didn’t follow US sanctions on previous occasions either.”

After fellow BRICS members China and Russia, India left no margin for doubt. And there’s more; India will continue to buy oil from Iran – its third top supplier – and is willing to pay in rupees via state bank UCO, which is not exposed to the US. India bought 114% more oil from Iran during the financial year up to March 2018 than in the previous term.

India-US trade amounts to $115 billion a year. In comparison, India-Iran trade is only $13 billion a year. India may grow an impressive 7% in 2018 and has reached a GDP of $2.6 trillion, according to the IMF, ahead of France, Italy, Brazil and Russia. To keep growing, India badly needs energy.

So for New Delhi, buying Iranian energy is a matter of national security. Couple it with the obsession in bypassing Pakistan, and it’s clear this is all about a complex interconnection of geopolitics and geoeconomics.

The comprehensive India and Iran partnership revolves around energy, trade and investment connectivity corridors, banking, insurance, shipping and – crucially – the imminent possibility of doing everything using the rupee and the rial, bypassing the US dollar.

India-Iran already trade in euros – so that is step one in bypassing the long arm of the US Department of the Treasury. Both nations are still using SWIFT. Assuming the EU does not give in to the unilateral US violation of the Iranian nuclear deal, known as the JCPOA, India’s oil imports won’t be sanctioned.

If that’s the case, step two will be turbo-charging the already booming trade in rupees and rials to the energy front – facilitated by the fact Tehran has invested in upgrading and perfecting insurance for its fleet of tankers.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) energy strategy, unsurprisingly, needs to cover all fronts; solar, wind, oil and gas. Not only is Iran central to the strategy; Central Asia also features heavily, with New Delhi eagerly expecting to import oil and gas from Turkmenistan, certainly transiting via Iran and Kazakhstan.

New Delhi, by all means, needs plenty of access to natural gas from South Pars, the largest gas fields on the planet; either via the still ongoing Pipelineistan soap opera IPI (the Iran-Pakistan-India pipeline) or, more plausibly, an underwater pipeline from the Persian Gulf to the Indian Ocean.

Enter the Indo-Pacific Command
Also not surprisingly, the Holy Grail for India is Iran-related: the so far $500 million investment in Chabahar port in the Indian Ocean, as well as completing the Chabahar-Zahedan railway. Chabahar is the starting point of the Indian version of the New Silk Roads, linking India to Afghanistan and Central Asia, bypassing Pakistan.

For Indian trade, a straight sea lane to Iran and then overland to Central Asia, including direct access to the mineral wealth of Afghanistan, is absolutely invaluable. A trilateral memorandum of understanding signed two years ago committed $21 billion: $9 billion for the whole Chabahar project and the rest for developing Afghan iron ore.

If Iran, for Beijing, is a solid hub in the New Silk Roads, or Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), and an essential plank in the Eurasia integration project, Tehran is simultaneously courted by New Delhi as a counterpunch to one of BRI’s standout projects, the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).

So it’s no wonder that the External Affairs Ministry in New Delhi continuously raves about the India-Afghanistan-Iran connectivity corridor, “from culture to commerce, from traditions to technology, from investments to IT, from services to strategy and from people to politics,” in the words of Swaraj.

Washington’s counterpunch so far has been to rename PACOM – the Pacific Command, which includes India, China, Mongolia, Southeast Asia, Australia, Antarctica, in fact, the entire Pacific Ocean – as the “Indo-Pacific Command,” thus flattering New Delhi. Most of all, the move aligns with the Indo-Pacific strategy deployed by the Quad – US, India, Japan, Australia – which is a barely disguised containment of the China follow-up mechanism to the Obama administration’s pivot to Asia.

It’s still unclear how the Trump administration might “punish” New Delhi for non-stop trading with Tehran. In the case of Russia – also under sanctions – pressure is relentless. India has been encouraged not to buy S-400 air defense systems from Russia. The excuse is not exactly subtle; that would “complicate interoperability” with US forces and “limit … the degree with which the United States will feel comfortable in bringing additional technology” into India, according to House Armed Services Committee chairman Mac Thornberry (R-Texas). New Delhi will announce its decision in October.

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit in Qingdao, China, on June 9, will be the privileged arena to discuss all these issues. Russia, China, India and Pakistan, as full members, will be there, as well as Iran and Afghanistan as current observers and, inevitably, future members. It’s clear that fellow SCO/BRICS members China, Russia and India will refuse to isolate Iran. And there’s nothing the Indo-Pacific Command can do about it.

Ya' Cousin Cleon

Jun 21, 2014
Harvey World to Dallas, TX
War is going to happen breh. He withdrew from the Iran deal. Reimposed sanctions. The threat of of sanctions already has European businesses fleeing Iran. And Khomeni said the other day that if the Europeans do not hold their end of the deal ie investments that Iran will leave JPCOA Nd restart their nuclear program. And if that happens Bolton and Pompeo will tell Trump to bomb Iran. And boom America will be in a bloody quagmire in Iran. And this war will end America’s superpower status.

What happens to America post-super power status do you think? Massive Civil Unrest which leads to a complete Authoritarian clamp down?