Anyway, this thread isn't about Australia. It's about Iran getting nukes and the destabilizing effects it may have.
The feud between Sunni and Shi'a runs over centuries. Most recent and blatant example can be seen in Iraq. Iran helped out the Shi'a in Iraq thus causing tensions. Thats also why they went to war in the 80's.
Name countries.
Iran being Shi'a doesn't upset any country other than old-Iraq, be real.
Global warming is a threat to human perseverance... child prostitution and slavery are not.
They did.
Have you been to Australia. A pack of cigarettes cost $30 American money. I know because one of my good friends worked their for the past 2 years. If you call that eating better than the USA, you are insane.
I guess that means you condone child prostitution.
see how that works?
The feud between Sunni and Shi'a runs over centuries. Most recent and blatant example can be seen in Iraq. Iran helped out the Shi'a in Iraq thus causing tensions. Thats also why they went to war in the 80's.
And I have no issue with that statement because it's technically true. Am I doing anything to stop it? I don't even think I give it a thought throughout my day....
It also upsets its other neighbor Saudi Arabia...
your lights are on. aren't you worried about your carbon footprint?![]()
I already mentioned SA. There aren't any country in the region that hates Iran other than Israel and SA so stop these false allegations that Iran is a "hated" nation.
And yet they tax carbon, have affordable education, haven't had mass shootings in 20 years, have legislation to discourage cronyism. BUT CHOCOLATE IS EXPENSIVE AND THEY ARENT CREATING FAKE SLAVE WAGE JOBS TO BOLSTER THEIR SHAM ECONOMY!
of course theres no mass shootings.
they have a population the size of a US State, a populat density they're NOT diverse at all.
whats that got to do with Iran's nuclear ambitions?
nah, fukk that.Anyway, this thread isn't about Australia. It's about Iran getting nukes and the destabilizing effects it may have.
I already mentioned SA. There aren't any country in the region that hates Iran other than Israel and SA so stop these false allegations that Iran is a "hated" nation.
you don't have to be "hated
I already mentioned SA. There aren't any country in the region that hates Iran other than Israel and SA so stop these false allegations that Iran is a "hated" nation.