The US Govt said the nuclear discussion was tabling all other issues. Not even prisoners and spies were on the table. It was a huge talking point. How did you ignore this?And if this is true how come this didn't came up during the nuclear discussion? If this was true conservative right nut jobs would have screamed about this. Israel and Saudi Arabia would have brought this up. Saudi Arabia bears some responsibility for the 9/11 attacks. If Iran was connected there would have calls for war against Iran. There was members in the Bush white house who said "Anybody can go to Baghdad but real men go to Tehran."
And no one is ignoring the KSA connection. I'm not. I'm not removing that.
I'm expanding your circle of reasoning to include intelligence agencies in Iran.
Bro. Just take what i'm saying, and read into it.
Prove me wrong. Thats the best way to investigate what i'm saying.