dropped my fukkin phone
and the lcd is fukked up...the glass aint cracked but the lcd aint showin nuthin period...is there anything i can do without takin it to the store because i really aint tryin to get charged an arm n a leg...help brehs 

what kind of iPhone? u don't have the original 1-year apple warranty? if you do they'll replace the phone for u as long as there's no physical damage to it.
is there water damage? You might be able to get them to replace that if there is no water damage. Tell them you don't know what happened...you don't remember dropping it or bumping it too hard if its in good cosmetic condition.4s had it since october...and i dropped it...screen isnt cracked or anything, a cpl everyday bumps n bruises on it nuthin major...they'll do that for little ol me![]()
is there water damage? You might be able to get them to replace that if there is no water damage. Tell them you don't know what happened...you don't remember dropping it or bumping it too hard if its in good cosmetic condition.
I will even delete this thread so no evidence is on the net if you want to![]()
4s had it since october...and i dropped it...screen isnt cracked or anything, a cpl everyday bumps n bruises on it nuthin major...they'll do that for little ol me![]()
check the water indicator and make sure the color didn't change, and if it's all good. schedule an appt with the genius bar and make up some bs story about how u put ur phone on the charger after the battery drained and when u came back to check on it to see if it was done charging it never turned back on. if they believe u, they'll just replace the device, make sure u back up ur old one to itunes before tho.
this is where the indicators are located, use a flashlight to see if they turned red: