Since it dropped. It's got a few dings but nothing serious. I covered my iPhone 4 in an otter box and hated it. Never got a true feel for how sexci the phone is. It's like buying a Porsche and driving it with a car cover every where IMO.
My boy got one of those life cases i think they are called
I went out on his boat with him, his girl had called, hes like Im in the same area where I dropped my phone in the water
Not even 30 mins later, hes getting back in the boat and his iPhone falls out of his pocket into salt water...Luckily he had one of those cases on it and it was perfect. His last android phone wasnt so lucky but he got bestbuy to do that a warranty claim on it luckily, thats how he got the iphone.
That case is tough. The issue I have with alot of those cases is they take away the appeal of the phone. Its designed with a sleek, luxury look but those cases take that away.
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