if the so-called islamic terrorism was a child his mother is saudi arabia his father is the u.s(c.i.a)
in accordance with c.i.a(husband) saudi arabia(wifey) provides the ideology of this vile so-called islamic but demonic terrorism finances and instigates it against muslims killing them indiscirminately in the name of islam. then comes the u.s(c.i.a) to fight the same groups they've armed control and labeled ISLAMic terrorism

thus waging a multi facette global war on ISLAMic countries blaming and killing muslims indiscriminately everywhere except saudia arabia

and her little sisters(qatar, bahrain, kuwait and uae)
99 out of 100 persons killed by alqaeda(so-called islamic terrorism) are innocent muslims
97 out of 100 persons killed by u.s(c.i.a & allies) are innocent muslims
if this war is about fighting the so-called islamic terrorism ask yourself why is the mother, head of the so-called islamic terrorism snake ( saudi arabia) spared?
if it's about freedom and human rights violation why is saudi arabia top tier in the world isn't criticized nor sanctioned? ( US,UN

statics manipulating ass human rights watch had you believing china, russia and iran are the top 3 in the world

when infact it's saudi arabia, israel and the u.s(outside the US territory)
read this honest qoute from a foreign policy godfather
Federal Observer Articles - Federal Observer