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Figured it was the Mike Levy incident. Glad it wasn't something new!
Backstory: IWA-Mid South is a super cheap deathmatch outfit (who, oddly, has had some major names pass through) whose founder Ian Rotten is a notorious scumbag.
He has a "King and Queen of the Deathmatch" tournament. The guy getting curb stomped is some online troll named Mike Levy who has been getting at IWA-Mid South on message boards. Ian Rotten decides to use this tournament as an opportunity to respond to this guy. Invites him to compete, flies him out and puts him in the side with the women. He's paired up to work with Mickie Knuckles (the most seasoned woman on their roster). She shoots on him immediately, he shoots back. She got the better of them but others in IWA-Mid South (including Ian Rotten's 8-year old son) got pissed and decided to take it out on Mike Levy. He was lucky those idiots didn't kill him.
Figured it was the Mike Levy incident. Glad it wasn't something new!
Backstory: IWA-Mid South is a super cheap deathmatch outfit (who, oddly, has had some major names pass through) whose founder Ian Rotten is a notorious scumbag.
He has a "King and Queen of the Deathmatch" tournament. The guy getting curb stomped is some online troll named Mike Levy who has been getting at IWA-Mid South on message boards. Ian Rotten decides to use this tournament as an opportunity to respond to this guy. Invites him to compete, flies him out and puts him in the side with the women. He's paired up to work with Mickie Knuckles (the most seasoned woman on their roster). She shoots on him immediately, he shoots back. She got the better of them but others in IWA-Mid South (including Ian Rotten's 8-year old son) got pissed and decided to take it out on Mike Levy. He was lucky those idiots didn't kill him.
The funny thing about this incident was the fact that the dude really thought it was work. Dude got damn neared killed and he still thought he was one of the boys. Bad enough they were trying to big up Mickie Knuckles since she was "supposed" to be going to Impact but ended up with the WOAT injury since the Sid incident
A bit messed up, but if anyone ever wants a great example of someone going into shock in real time, go watch the video of Mickie Knuckles breaking her leg (it's easy to find).
A bit messed up, but if anyone ever wants a great example of someone going into shock in real time, go watch the video of Mickie Knuckles breaking her leg (it's easy to find).